Fluoranten je jedan od najrasprostranjenijih policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika, prisutan u lišću različitih biljaka kojima se hrane larve polifagnih vrsta insekata Lymantria dispar i Euproctis chrysorrhoea. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je sticanje uvida u obrasce fizioloških odgovora larvi L. dispar i E. chrysorrhoea (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) na prisustvo sredinski relevantnih koncentracija fluorantena u hrani i rasvetljavanje mehanizama odbrane od njegovog štetnog delovanja, što doprinosi sagledavanju načina njihovog prilagođavanja stresnim uslovima u okruženju. Ispitivan je hronični uticaj dve koncentracije fluorantena (6,7 i 67 ng/g suve mase hrane) na larve L. dispar i E. chrysorrhoea, poreklom iz prirodnih populacija. Antioksidat...
The adaptive significance of plasticity of digestive enzyme responses to allelochemical stress w...
Integrirana zaštita šuma je jedna od najbitnijih disciplina u šumarskoj struci. Razumijevanje čimbe...
Dose-dependent effect of cadmium on relative growth rate (RGR) was examined in 4th instar gypsy moth...
This study aimed to examine the effects of ubiquitous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fluoranthen...
This study examined the effect of long-term exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of d...
The effects of parental and offspring diet on larval growth, food consumption and utilization, and a...
Razvoj industrije i poljoprivrede, kao i globalna urbanizacija, doveli su do pojave velikog broja po...
Intenzivan antropogeni uticaj u poslednjih nekoliko decenija doveo je do značajnog porasta stepena z...
U radu je ispitivano delovanje alkoholnih rastvora etarskih ulja anisa, mirođije i morača i njihovih...
Lymantria dispar L. is the most devastating polyphagous pest of deciduous forests, orchards and urba...
Lymantria dispar, a polyphagous insect pest, copes with a wide variety of host-specific alleloche...
On the northern border of the Gypsy moth area (Lymantria dispar L., 1758), caterpillars are reorien...
The neuroendocrine system of phytophagous insects reacts quickly to environmental changes including ...
Lymantria dispar L. is the most devastating polyphagous pest of deciduous forests, orchards and urb...
Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), praga agrícola polífaga, é controlada, ...
The adaptive significance of plasticity of digestive enzyme responses to allelochemical stress w...
Integrirana zaštita šuma je jedna od najbitnijih disciplina u šumarskoj struci. Razumijevanje čimbe...
Dose-dependent effect of cadmium on relative growth rate (RGR) was examined in 4th instar gypsy moth...
This study aimed to examine the effects of ubiquitous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fluoranthen...
This study examined the effect of long-term exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of d...
The effects of parental and offspring diet on larval growth, food consumption and utilization, and a...
Razvoj industrije i poljoprivrede, kao i globalna urbanizacija, doveli su do pojave velikog broja po...
Intenzivan antropogeni uticaj u poslednjih nekoliko decenija doveo je do značajnog porasta stepena z...
U radu je ispitivano delovanje alkoholnih rastvora etarskih ulja anisa, mirođije i morača i njihovih...
Lymantria dispar L. is the most devastating polyphagous pest of deciduous forests, orchards and urba...
Lymantria dispar, a polyphagous insect pest, copes with a wide variety of host-specific alleloche...
On the northern border of the Gypsy moth area (Lymantria dispar L., 1758), caterpillars are reorien...
The neuroendocrine system of phytophagous insects reacts quickly to environmental changes including ...
Lymantria dispar L. is the most devastating polyphagous pest of deciduous forests, orchards and urb...
Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), praga agrícola polífaga, é controlada, ...
The adaptive significance of plasticity of digestive enzyme responses to allelochemical stress w...
Integrirana zaštita šuma je jedna od najbitnijih disciplina u šumarskoj struci. Razumijevanje čimbe...
Dose-dependent effect of cadmium on relative growth rate (RGR) was examined in 4th instar gypsy moth...