nisku rastvorljivost u vodi/gastrointestinalnim (GI) tečnostima, koja je ograničavajući faktor za apsorpciju, a samim tim i biološku raspoloživost lekovite supstance. Jedan od pristupa za prevazilaženje ovog problema je izrada lipidnih formulacija, u koje spadaju i samomikroemulgujući sistemi (SMEDDS). Simvastatin je lekovita supstanca iz grupe statina, koja se koristi za snižavanje koncentracije holesterola u krvi, poseduje i vaskuloprotektivna svojstva, a najnovija istraživanja pokazuju i da ispoljava određenu efikasnost u lečenju tumora dojke, kolona i prostate. Zbog niske biološke raspoloživosti simvastatina nakon peroralne primene tableta sa trenutnim oslobađanjem, jedinog farmaceutskog oblika sa simvastatinom na tržištu, sve je veća p...
During the past few decades, the pharmaceutical industry has developed into a powerful human activit...
Poor biopharmaceutical properties such as low solubility and low permeability in the gastrointestina...
During the last three decades there were intensive investigations on potential application of microe...
One of the problems with orally used drugs is their poor solubility, which can be overcome by creati...
Peroralna aplikacija je zaradi številnih prednosti še vedno prva izbira vnosa zdravila v človeški si...
U radu su formulisane i ispitane i formulisane različiti čvrsti samodispergujući sistemi kao potenci...
Nesanica je jedan od najčešćih poremećaja spavanja koji zahvaća oko 30% odrasle populacije, a značaj...
U radu je izvršena formulacija nove generacije nosača lekovitih supstanci tipa polučvrstih samo-mikr...
Development of self-dispersing drug delivery systems (SMEDDS) is a modern strategy for oral delivery...
Parenteralnim putem se primenjuju različiti tipovi farmaceutskih preparata čiji sastav može...
Telmisartan acts as antagonist of angiotensin II type-1 (AT1) receptor and is indicated in the treat...
Mixing selected liquid SMEDDS with polymethacrylate polymers (Eudragit ®) led to solidification of ...
Today with the development of combinatorial chemistry hundreds and hundreds of compounds that have p...
The main aim of this study is the development of two controlled drug delivery systems based on order...
Revaskularisierende Maßnahmen wie die perkutane transluminale Angioplastie sowie die Stentimplantati...
During the past few decades, the pharmaceutical industry has developed into a powerful human activit...
Poor biopharmaceutical properties such as low solubility and low permeability in the gastrointestina...
During the last three decades there were intensive investigations on potential application of microe...
One of the problems with orally used drugs is their poor solubility, which can be overcome by creati...
Peroralna aplikacija je zaradi številnih prednosti še vedno prva izbira vnosa zdravila v človeški si...
U radu su formulisane i ispitane i formulisane različiti čvrsti samodispergujući sistemi kao potenci...
Nesanica je jedan od najčešćih poremećaja spavanja koji zahvaća oko 30% odrasle populacije, a značaj...
U radu je izvršena formulacija nove generacije nosača lekovitih supstanci tipa polučvrstih samo-mikr...
Development of self-dispersing drug delivery systems (SMEDDS) is a modern strategy for oral delivery...
Parenteralnim putem se primenjuju različiti tipovi farmaceutskih preparata čiji sastav može...
Telmisartan acts as antagonist of angiotensin II type-1 (AT1) receptor and is indicated in the treat...
Mixing selected liquid SMEDDS with polymethacrylate polymers (Eudragit ®) led to solidification of ...
Today with the development of combinatorial chemistry hundreds and hundreds of compounds that have p...
The main aim of this study is the development of two controlled drug delivery systems based on order...
Revaskularisierende Maßnahmen wie die perkutane transluminale Angioplastie sowie die Stentimplantati...
During the past few decades, the pharmaceutical industry has developed into a powerful human activit...
Poor biopharmaceutical properties such as low solubility and low permeability in the gastrointestina...
During the last three decades there were intensive investigations on potential application of microe...