森林火灾的发生对社会经济和自然环境造成了威胁,因此及时预测森林火灾的发生具有重要意义。目前,机器学习被广泛用于各个行业,基于此本文应用神经网络、随机森林、逻辑回归3种机器学习算法,建立森林火灾预测模型,并用此模型对阿尔及利亚Bejaia地区和Sidi Bel-abbesl地区采集到的数据进行预测。实验结果证明,3种机器学习算法对森林火灾风险预测均有较好表现,综合准确率可达95.9%,其中随机森林算法在准确度方面表现最好,逻辑回归算法在运算效率方面表现最好,利用该森林火灾预测模型在防范森林火灾方面具有一定的可行性。</p
Using Machine Learning and Aggregated Remote Sensing Data for Wildfire Occurrence Prediction and Fea...
Os incêndios florestais causam grandes impactos, como desastres ecológicos, diminuição da qualidade ...
Predicting and mapping fire susceptibility is a top research priority in fire-prone forests worldwid...
Информационные системы и технологии в экологииКомпьютерное моделирование лесного низового пожара на ...
In the last decades, global warming has changed the temperature. It caused an increasing the wildfir...
Forest fires have caused considerable losses to ecologies, societies and economies worldwide. To min...
Orman yangınları, ekolojik olduğu kadar ekonomik zararlar da veren, çoğu zaman insan hayatını tehdi...
Artificial intelligence has been applied in wildfire science and management since the 1990s, with ea...
In recent decades, wildfires in the United States have increased in frequency and intensity. As glob...
Predicting the amount of land burnt during forest fires is one of the challenging tasks. Forest fire...
Автором запропонована модель процесів у зоні горіння ймовірних пожеж. На основі цієї моделі розробле...
Forest fires present one of the main causes of environmental hazards that have many negative results...
Using Machine Learning and Aggregated Remote Sensing Data for Wildfire Occurrence Prediction and Fea...
Os incêndios florestais causam grandes impactos, como desastres ecológicos, diminuição da qualidade ...
Predicting and mapping fire susceptibility is a top research priority in fire-prone forests worldwid...
Информационные системы и технологии в экологииКомпьютерное моделирование лесного низового пожара на ...
In the last decades, global warming has changed the temperature. It caused an increasing the wildfir...
Forest fires have caused considerable losses to ecologies, societies and economies worldwide. To min...
Orman yangınları, ekolojik olduğu kadar ekonomik zararlar da veren, çoğu zaman insan hayatını tehdi...
Artificial intelligence has been applied in wildfire science and management since the 1990s, with ea...
In recent decades, wildfires in the United States have increased in frequency and intensity. As glob...
Predicting the amount of land burnt during forest fires is one of the challenging tasks. Forest fire...
Автором запропонована модель процесів у зоні горіння ймовірних пожеж. На основі цієї моделі розробле...
Forest fires present one of the main causes of environmental hazards that have many negative results...
Using Machine Learning and Aggregated Remote Sensing Data for Wildfire Occurrence Prediction and Fea...
Os incêndios florestais causam grandes impactos, como desastres ecológicos, diminuição da qualidade ...
Predicting and mapping fire susceptibility is a top research priority in fire-prone forests worldwid...