Rod šumskih miševa, Apodemus Kaup, 1829 u Hrvatskoj broji 5 vrsta, od kojih su najčešće Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1834) i Apodemus sylvaticus (Linnaeus, 1758). Ove dvije vrste su morfološki ekološki te ponašanjem vrlo slične. Često žive simpatrijski, te zauzimaju gotovo iste areale. Obje su prisutne na području Parka prirode Medvednica, a uz njih tu nalazimo i lako prepoznatljivu vrstu Apodemus agrarius (Pallas, 1771). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je uz pomoć gena za citokrom b dobiti uvid u srodstvene odnose i gensku raznolikost ovih vrsta. Također, cilj je bio usporediti njihove morfometrijske značajke pri čemu sam probala pronaći metodu za raspoznavanje i determinaciju vrsta A. flavicollis i A. sylvaticus na temelju vanjskih mjera ti...
ABSTRACT- The study of morphological and morphometric characteristics of Apodemus (Sylvaemzu) sylvat...
A phenetic analysis of non-metric cranial traits of two genetically identified cryptic species of th...
Genetic variation was studied using protein electrophoresis of 28-38 gene loci in 1347 specimens of ...
Rod šumskih miševa, Apodemus Kaup, 1829 u Hrvatskoj broji 5 vrsta, od kojih su najčešće Apodemus fla...
Mice of genus Apodemus are wide spred in Europe, western Asia and North Africa. Twenty one species a...
Phylogenetic relationships among three species of the genus Apodemus (A.. avicollis, A. sylvaticus a...
Namen diplomske naloge je bil izvedba morfometrične analize variabilnosti v mandibuli pri rodu Apode...
Karyotyping and several molecular methods have allowed successful identification of two morpholog...
The utility of the Inter Simple Sequence Repeat-Polymerase Chain Reaction (ISSR-PCR) was explored in...
Using inter-simple sequence repeat and polymerase chain reaction technique 125 Apodemus flavicollis ...
Background: Mice of the genus Apodemus are one the most common mammals in the Palaearctic region. De...
Summarv ThePhDthesisisbasedonthefollowingpapers: Tnsr or cHARAcTER DISpLACEMENTrN URBAN populATroNs ...
The yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis), rodent of Muridae family, is common in the deciduous...
Genetic variation was studied using protein electrophoresis of 28-38 gene loci in 1347 specimens of ...
A total of 253 specimens belonging to the genus Apodemus were examined from 45 localities in Turkey ...
ABSTRACT- The study of morphological and morphometric characteristics of Apodemus (Sylvaemzu) sylvat...
A phenetic analysis of non-metric cranial traits of two genetically identified cryptic species of th...
Genetic variation was studied using protein electrophoresis of 28-38 gene loci in 1347 specimens of ...
Rod šumskih miševa, Apodemus Kaup, 1829 u Hrvatskoj broji 5 vrsta, od kojih su najčešće Apodemus fla...
Mice of genus Apodemus are wide spred in Europe, western Asia and North Africa. Twenty one species a...
Phylogenetic relationships among three species of the genus Apodemus (A.. avicollis, A. sylvaticus a...
Namen diplomske naloge je bil izvedba morfometrične analize variabilnosti v mandibuli pri rodu Apode...
Karyotyping and several molecular methods have allowed successful identification of two morpholog...
The utility of the Inter Simple Sequence Repeat-Polymerase Chain Reaction (ISSR-PCR) was explored in...
Using inter-simple sequence repeat and polymerase chain reaction technique 125 Apodemus flavicollis ...
Background: Mice of the genus Apodemus are one the most common mammals in the Palaearctic region. De...
Summarv ThePhDthesisisbasedonthefollowingpapers: Tnsr or cHARAcTER DISpLACEMENTrN URBAN populATroNs ...
The yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis), rodent of Muridae family, is common in the deciduous...
Genetic variation was studied using protein electrophoresis of 28-38 gene loci in 1347 specimens of ...
A total of 253 specimens belonging to the genus Apodemus were examined from 45 localities in Turkey ...
ABSTRACT- The study of morphological and morphometric characteristics of Apodemus (Sylvaemzu) sylvat...
A phenetic analysis of non-metric cranial traits of two genetically identified cryptic species of th...
Genetic variation was studied using protein electrophoresis of 28-38 gene loci in 1347 specimens of ...