Lõputöö Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekavalGiardiaas on ülemaailmse levikuga zoonootiline parasitaarne haigus, millesse nakatub enamik imetajatest, sealhulgas ka lemmikloomad ja inimesed. Selle kirjeldava uuringu eesmärk oli saada ülevaade Eesti loomaomanike teadmistest giardiaasi, selle leviku, tekitaja, kliiniliste tunnuste ja zoonootilise edasi kandumise kohta. Samuti koguti andmeid, et saada ülevaade milliste skeemide järgi annavad inimesed oma loomadele ussirohtu ning kas nad leiavad, et loomaarstid on neid teavitanud zoonootilistest haigustest. Andmed koguti küsimustiku kaudu, millest võtsid osa 181 loomaomanikku, kes külastasid Eesti Maaülikooli Väikeloomakliinikut ühe kuu vältel. Peamised uurimuse tulemused olid, et enamus looma...
Abstract Giardia duodenalis is a protozoan parasite of animals that is zoonotic. Given the capacity ...
Background: Giardia, an intestinal parasite of asexual reproduction, is an important etiologic agent...
Giardia lamblia is a commonly identified intestinal pathogen protozoan in humans in Serbia, since 8....
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneLemmikloomade ja inimese vaheline side o...
The study on the prevalence of Giardia sp. in bovines was performed by analysing the cases recorded ...
Giardioza je parazitska bolest uzrokovana protistima iz roda Giardia, koji parazitiraju na površini ...
Giardia infection is an ongoing problem in Serbia, since 8,0% of the children in the Belgrade area a...
Protozoa of the genus Giardia cause the disease giardiosis in a large number of animal species, but...
Ζoonotic parasitic diseases that can occur through animal contact pose risks to pets, their owners a...
Mnogi zdravstveni problemi ljudi predstavljaju direktnu posledicu intezivnog kontakta sa životinjam...
The ancient question is about the role of Giardia in the disease development: is the finding of the ...
Giardiasis is one of the most common diseases caused by parasites in Romania with a growing prevalen...
A total of eight Giardia species are accepted. These include: Giardia duodenalis (syn. Giardia intes...
Giardia é um protozoário ubíquo com a capacidade de infectar a maioria das espécies vertebradas. Ape...
Worldwide prevalence studies indicate a high prevalence of Giardia in domestic animals, mainly in li...
Abstract Giardia duodenalis is a protozoan parasite of animals that is zoonotic. Given the capacity ...
Background: Giardia, an intestinal parasite of asexual reproduction, is an important etiologic agent...
Giardia lamblia is a commonly identified intestinal pathogen protozoan in humans in Serbia, since 8....
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneLemmikloomade ja inimese vaheline side o...
The study on the prevalence of Giardia sp. in bovines was performed by analysing the cases recorded ...
Giardioza je parazitska bolest uzrokovana protistima iz roda Giardia, koji parazitiraju na površini ...
Giardia infection is an ongoing problem in Serbia, since 8,0% of the children in the Belgrade area a...
Protozoa of the genus Giardia cause the disease giardiosis in a large number of animal species, but...
Ζoonotic parasitic diseases that can occur through animal contact pose risks to pets, their owners a...
Mnogi zdravstveni problemi ljudi predstavljaju direktnu posledicu intezivnog kontakta sa životinjam...
The ancient question is about the role of Giardia in the disease development: is the finding of the ...
Giardiasis is one of the most common diseases caused by parasites in Romania with a growing prevalen...
A total of eight Giardia species are accepted. These include: Giardia duodenalis (syn. Giardia intes...
Giardia é um protozoário ubíquo com a capacidade de infectar a maioria das espécies vertebradas. Ape...
Worldwide prevalence studies indicate a high prevalence of Giardia in domestic animals, mainly in li...
Abstract Giardia duodenalis is a protozoan parasite of animals that is zoonotic. Given the capacity ...
Background: Giardia, an intestinal parasite of asexual reproduction, is an important etiologic agent...
Giardia lamblia is a commonly identified intestinal pathogen protozoan in humans in Serbia, since 8....