Lõputöö Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekavalKoerte põrna võivad tabandada mitmed hea- ja halvaloomulised muutused, mida on välimuse põhjal üksteisest raske eristada. Töö eesmärgiks oli leida ja kirjeldada seoseid kliiniliste tunnuste, vereproovide, ultraheliuuringu ning histopatoloogilise diagnoosi vahel. Kliiniliste näidete andmed koguti Eesti Maaülikooli Väikeloomakliiniku Provet Cloud andmebaasist. Perioodil 01.02.18 – 01.02.22 oli erinevate põrna patoloogiatega koeri kokku 65. Kliiniliste näidete hulka sobisid 21 patsienti, kellest 18-l oli histopatoloogiline diagnoos ning kolmel koeral veenduti traumalises põrna patoloogias diagnostilise laparotoomia kaudu. Patsientidel kirjeldati anamneesi, kliinilist ülevaatust, diagnostikat ja rav...
During the last two decades, two-dimensional ultrasonography has been introduced in the evaluation o...
Background: Splenic stromal neoplasms are a heterogeneous group of tumors that shares the morphology...
The spleen is a highly perfused organ involved in the immunological control and elimination of vecto...
Study object: The data from UAB “Vaida’s veterinary clinic” in 2014-2015, Veterinary Academy of the ...
Alterações de tamanho e forma em baços são frequentemente identificadas em cães e esplenectomia é me...
Splenic masses have a higher incidence compared to diffuse splenic enlargement in canine patients an...
Splenitis is uncommonly reported in dogs. Herein, the authors describe its prevalence, clinical find...
Splenitis is uncommonly reported in dogs. Herein, the authors describe its prevalence, clinical find...
Splenitis is uncommonly reported in dogs. Herein, the authors describe its prevalence, clinical find...
Citološka pretraga je minimalno invazivna, brza i jeftina dijagnostička metoda kojom određujemo tipo...
Various splenic diseases can result in a splenic mass and necessitate splenectomy. The objective of ...
Various splenic diseases can result in a splenic mass and necessitate splenectomy. The objective of ...
© 2018 The Author(s). Objective: To investigate the histopathologic characteristics of concurrent sp...
Abstract Objective To investigate the histopathologic characteristics of concurrent splenic and live...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvim...
During the last two decades, two-dimensional ultrasonography has been introduced in the evaluation o...
Background: Splenic stromal neoplasms are a heterogeneous group of tumors that shares the morphology...
The spleen is a highly perfused organ involved in the immunological control and elimination of vecto...
Study object: The data from UAB “Vaida’s veterinary clinic” in 2014-2015, Veterinary Academy of the ...
Alterações de tamanho e forma em baços são frequentemente identificadas em cães e esplenectomia é me...
Splenic masses have a higher incidence compared to diffuse splenic enlargement in canine patients an...
Splenitis is uncommonly reported in dogs. Herein, the authors describe its prevalence, clinical find...
Splenitis is uncommonly reported in dogs. Herein, the authors describe its prevalence, clinical find...
Splenitis is uncommonly reported in dogs. Herein, the authors describe its prevalence, clinical find...
Citološka pretraga je minimalno invazivna, brza i jeftina dijagnostička metoda kojom određujemo tipo...
Various splenic diseases can result in a splenic mass and necessitate splenectomy. The objective of ...
Various splenic diseases can result in a splenic mass and necessitate splenectomy. The objective of ...
© 2018 The Author(s). Objective: To investigate the histopathologic characteristics of concurrent sp...
Abstract Objective To investigate the histopathologic characteristics of concurrent splenic and live...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvim...
During the last two decades, two-dimensional ultrasonography has been introduced in the evaluation o...
Background: Splenic stromal neoplasms are a heterogeneous group of tumors that shares the morphology...
The spleen is a highly perfused organ involved in the immunological control and elimination of vecto...