Dirofilaria repens’i võimalikud pistesääskedest siirutajad Lõuna-Eestis

  • Kangasoja, Kaisli
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Publication date
June 2022
Eesti Maaülikool


Final Thesis in Veterinary MedicineDirofilaria repens is a mosquito-borne parasitic nematode primarily affecting dogs and other canids, but also humans as incidental infections. Clinically the disease is usually mild, but can warrant surgical treatment in humans. During the past two decades, it has been spreading and establishing endemic reservoirs in new northern areas, including the Baltic countries. Its population can be screened by testing either canids or mosquitoes. In this study, mosquitoes were collected in Southern Estonia, pooled by species and tested for the presence of Dirofilaria repens DNA. Collections yielded 1730 specimens representing 18 species and two individuals of unknown species. Mosquito species collecte...

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