Nuclear data evaluation for decay heat analysis of spent nuclear fuel over 1–100 k year timescale

  • Doran, Hannah R.
  • Cresswell, Alan J.
  • Sanderson, David C.W.
  • Falcone, Gioia
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Publication date
June 2022
Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Accurate nuclear data are essential in the evaluation of decay heat from spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The accuracy of such data was assessed using an approach that compares values reported in different evaluated libraries and determines whether discrepancies reflect inaccuracies in primary data. A short list of 43 isotopes which are most significant to SNF decay heat calculations over 1–100 k years was produced by combining generic reactor inventory code with decay heat analysis for undifferentiated SNF. Decay properties (half-lives and decay energies) and neutron interactions (cross section and fission yields) were compared from 6 evaluated libraries. Fission product (FP) discrepancies identified are 90Sr half-life, where inclusion of a singl...

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