Sound poems by Schwitters over photographs of his Hanover Merzbau (1923-1937), one of his publications; several "Merz" pictures. Newsreel of Nazi burning books; Adolf Hitler opening the Munich Haus der deutschen Kunst, filled with "pure Aryan art", and touring exhibits such as sculptures by Arno Breker and Josef Thorak. A dead body in the street; photomontage, A Pan German (1933), by John Heartfield showing Julius Streicher standing in the blood; Millions Stand Behind Me / Millionen stehen hinter mir!... (1932), Through Light to Night / Durch Licht zur Nacht (1933). Goering, the Butcher of the Third Reich / Goering, der Henker des dritten Reichs (1933), War and Corpses – the Last Hope of the Rich (1932). Madrid (1936). Was die Engel z...