Bedside prediction of the progress of pressure ulcer healing in patients with spinal cord injury using the 'Decu-stick'

  • Van Asbeck, F. W. A.
  • Post, M. W. M.
Publication date
July 2015


Study design: This is a prospective cohort study.Objectives: The objective of this study was to predict the progress of healing of pressure ulcers (PUs) in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients after the first 4 weeks.Setting: The study was conducted in a specialized SCI rehabilitation unit in The Netherlands.Methods: Weekly measurements of length, width and depth/undermining of grades II-IV PUs under sacrum or ischial tuberosity in SCI patients with the 'Decu-stick' were taken. The speed of reduction of the greatest dimension in the first 4 weeks of the granulation-epithelization (G-E) phase was compared with the speed of reduction of this dimension after week 4 until the end of observation.Results: Fifty-one PUs in 45 patients were measured. ...

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