The mechanism and energetics of the secondary P(i) transport system of A. johnsonii were studied in membrane vesicles and proteoliposomes in which the transport protein was functionally reconstituted. P(i) uptake is strictly dependent on the presence of divalent cations, like Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, or Co2+. These cations form a MeHPO4 complex with up to 87% of the P(i) present in the incubation mixture, suggesting that divalent cations and P(i) are co-transported via a metal-phosphate chelate. Metal-phosphate uptake is driven by the proton motive force (interior negative and alkaline). The metal-phosphate/proton stoichiometry was close to unity. The transport system mediates efflux and homologous exchange of metal-phosphate, but not heterologous...