Lens capsules of patients of advanced age, obtained after extracapsular cataract surgery, were carefully prepared for a combined LM, TEM and SEM investigation, after preliminary washing and mounting onto a holder in a buffer solution. After pre-fixation with GA, samples were postfixed for LM/TEM and OsO4/K4Fe(CN)6 and stained with toluidine-blue/basic fuchsine for LM and with uranyl acetate/lead citrate for TEM; for SEM the GA-pre-fixed samples were post-fixed by the Tannine Arginine-OsO4 non-coating technique. At LM-level discrimination between healthy and degenerating cells was possible after toluidine staining. At SEM-level protrusion of the cell nucleus and fibrillation and blebbing of the cell membrane as the result of capsular degener...