Evidence is provided for a new low-temperature superstructure in pure C60; its structure can be described as face-centered cubic with a lattice parameter 2a0. The superstructure is most probably the result of rotations alternatingly over +φ1 and –φ2 about one of the <111> axes of neighboring molecules along the cube directions. The experimental evidence is based on low-temperature electron diffraction
Crystals of C60 or C70 cocrystallized with n-pentane grow as elongated, ten-sided columns. X-ray dif...
The phase transition in C60 and (related) lattice defects are studied by low-temperature electron mi...
A Comment on the Letter by G. Van Tendeloo et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1065 (1992)
Evidence is provided for a new low-temperature superstructure in pure C60; its structure can be desc...
Evidence is provided for a new low-temperature superstructure in pure C60; its structure can be desc...
We have grown crystals of the carbon structure C60 by sublimation. In contrast to solution-grown cry...
We correlate the presence or absence of high-order modulated structures in solid C60 with the differ...
The room-temperature face-centered cubic (FCC-a0) phase as well as the low-temperature simple cubic ...
The phase transition in C60 and (related) lattice defects are studied by low-temperature electron mi...
The phase transition in C60 and (related) lattice defects are studied by low-temperature electron mi...
The crystal structure and defect structures of C60 material have been studied by means of X-ray diff...
Crystals of C60 or C70 cocrystallized with n-pentane grow as elongated, ten-sided columns. X-ray dif...
The phase transition in C60 and (related) lattice defects are studied by low-temperature electron mi...
A Comment on the Letter by G. Van Tendeloo et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1065 (1992)
Evidence is provided for a new low-temperature superstructure in pure C60; its structure can be desc...
Evidence is provided for a new low-temperature superstructure in pure C60; its structure can be desc...
We have grown crystals of the carbon structure C60 by sublimation. In contrast to solution-grown cry...
We correlate the presence or absence of high-order modulated structures in solid C60 with the differ...
The room-temperature face-centered cubic (FCC-a0) phase as well as the low-temperature simple cubic ...
The phase transition in C60 and (related) lattice defects are studied by low-temperature electron mi...
The phase transition in C60 and (related) lattice defects are studied by low-temperature electron mi...
The crystal structure and defect structures of C60 material have been studied by means of X-ray diff...
Crystals of C60 or C70 cocrystallized with n-pentane grow as elongated, ten-sided columns. X-ray dif...
The phase transition in C60 and (related) lattice defects are studied by low-temperature electron mi...
A Comment on the Letter by G. Van Tendeloo et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1065 (1992)