The marine red alga Helminthora stackhousei (Clemente) Cremades et Perez-Cirera [ = H. divaricata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh] from the west coast of Ireland has a heteromorphic life history in culture. Tetrasporangia are formed on uniseriate, filamentous tetrasporophytes, mainly under short-day conditions, at (7-)9-17-degrees-C. Although photoperiodic induction occurs, night-breaks of 1 h in the middle of a 16-h night are ineffective in suppressing this response. Tetraspores form further uniseriate filaments which produce multiaxial gametophytic thalli, mainly under long-day conditions at (7-)9-17-degrees-C. The critical daylength is not constant over this temperature range. Night-breaks promote the initiation of multiaxial thalli, and nine phot...