Ekstraksi Senyawa Bioaktif Theaflavin Teh Oolong (Camellia Sinesis) dengan Air sebagai Green Solvent

  • Amalia, R. (Rizka)
  • Yulianto, M. E. (Mohamad)
  • Purwantisari, S. (Susiana)
  • Yudanto, Y. A. (Yusuf)
  • Pangestu, I. T. (Ilyas)
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Publication date
October 2020
Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University


Theaflavin, a polyphenolic compounds found in oolong tea and black tea, thought to have medicinal potency. Theaflavins and their derivatives such as theaflavin gallate have shown a broad spectrum of antiviral activity against several viruses, including influenza A, B and hepatitis C viruses. Previous research show that theaflavins could inhibit RdRp activity through blocking the active site in the catalytic pocket of RdRp in SARS‐CoV‐2, SARS‐CoV and MERS‐CoV.. This research aims to extract theaflavins in oolong tea with water solvent at a temperature of 100oC, pressure > 1 atm and varied extraction times (10-60 minutes). The effect of oolong tea extraction time towards the theaflavin content was observed. The results showed that with the ...

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