Comparison among frailty screening tools in the emergency department: a systematic review

  • 김민정
  • 박유석
  • 박인철
  • 유제성
  • 이지환
  • 정성필
  • 정현수
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Publication date
December 2021


Objective: It is important to identify high-risk elderly patients in the emergency department (ED), and various screening tools should be used. This study aimed to find the most appropriate tool by comparing frailty screening tools used in the ED. Method: The authors searched PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane library, and KoreaMed databases for medical literature. Two or more frailty screening tools were studied. Sensitivities and values of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of each tool used in individual studies were compared. Results: After the screening process, six studies using 12 tools were selected. Most of the tools had low sensitivities. The sensitivities were 90% or more in case of the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) ...

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