Geo log i cal map ping in east ern Po land re sulted in new find of or ganic de pos its near W³odawa. Pol len and plant macrofossils anal y ses at the Dobropol site proved de po si tion dur ing the Mazovian (Holsteinian) Inter gla cial (MIS 11). Pol len spec tra in di cated strong pre dom i nance of Carpinus in the op ti mum phase (pol len pe riod III), sug gest ing in ten - sive in flu ence of con ti nen tal cli mate in this part of Po land. The paleolake Dobropol was shal low, with many spe cies of rushes in a lit to ral zone. Dur ing the Liviecian (MIS 10) and the Krznanian (MIS 8) Glaciations the res er voir was oc cupied by an ice-dam lake, in which silt and clay de po si tion pre vailed. The Mazovian Inter gla cial or ganic de pos its...
The main phases of the Late Gla cial and Ho lo cene de vel op ment of veg e ta tion in the Wigry Na ...
Autor przedstawia nową koncepcję odpływu wód z zastoiska, które utworzyło się w Kotlinie Warszawskie...
A pollen sequence of Holsteinian/Mazovian age known since the 1980s in Brus (Western Polesie) is the...
Geological mapping in eastern Poland resulted in the new find of organic deposits near Włodawa. Poll...
This pa per pres ents de vel op ment of the paleolake Starowlany ex ist ing in the Eemian Inter gla ...
Gajec [Rze-1] borehole was drilled for needs of detailed geological mapping of Poland at the scale 1...
The pa per pres ents re sults of petrographic anal y ses of gla cial tills in the west ern part of t...
The buried and present-day Vistula valleys has developed along tectonic linear structures of NW-SE t...
The paper shows results of pollen analysis of organic sediments from the site Malice (M1). The diagr...
The thickness of Pleistocene deposits in the Kleszczów Graben reach 300 m. Data from these deposits ...
The pa per pres ents a re search on a mar ginal zone near Knyszewicze in the south ern part of Sokó³...
Palaeosols from the Warsaw Basin developed from eolian sands and aqueous deposits are distinguished ...
The article analyses the southern part of the expansion of the Bzura-Ner Spillway (Bzura-Ner Pradoli...
A new borehole in Rożce (SW Mazovian Lowland) drilled in 2012, combined with a wide variety of resea...
The stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Quaternary deposits under lying the Oleoenica Plain were inv...
The main phases of the Late Gla cial and Ho lo cene de vel op ment of veg e ta tion in the Wigry Na ...
Autor przedstawia nową koncepcję odpływu wód z zastoiska, które utworzyło się w Kotlinie Warszawskie...
A pollen sequence of Holsteinian/Mazovian age known since the 1980s in Brus (Western Polesie) is the...
Geological mapping in eastern Poland resulted in the new find of organic deposits near Włodawa. Poll...
This pa per pres ents de vel op ment of the paleolake Starowlany ex ist ing in the Eemian Inter gla ...
Gajec [Rze-1] borehole was drilled for needs of detailed geological mapping of Poland at the scale 1...
The pa per pres ents re sults of petrographic anal y ses of gla cial tills in the west ern part of t...
The buried and present-day Vistula valleys has developed along tectonic linear structures of NW-SE t...
The paper shows results of pollen analysis of organic sediments from the site Malice (M1). The diagr...
The thickness of Pleistocene deposits in the Kleszczów Graben reach 300 m. Data from these deposits ...
The pa per pres ents a re search on a mar ginal zone near Knyszewicze in the south ern part of Sokó³...
Palaeosols from the Warsaw Basin developed from eolian sands and aqueous deposits are distinguished ...
The article analyses the southern part of the expansion of the Bzura-Ner Spillway (Bzura-Ner Pradoli...
A new borehole in Rożce (SW Mazovian Lowland) drilled in 2012, combined with a wide variety of resea...
The stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Quaternary deposits under lying the Oleoenica Plain were inv...
The main phases of the Late Gla cial and Ho lo cene de vel op ment of veg e ta tion in the Wigry Na ...
Autor przedstawia nową koncepcję odpływu wód z zastoiska, które utworzyło się w Kotlinie Warszawskie...
A pollen sequence of Holsteinian/Mazovian age known since the 1980s in Brus (Western Polesie) is the...