In or der to re con struct en vi ron men tal changes in the Borzechowo mire, a sed i ment core was sub jected to macrofossil and strati graphic anal y ses. The mire is lo cated in the east ern part of the Pom er a nian Lakeland (Tuchola For est, northern Po land). It is a limnogenic mire, formed as a re sult of terrestrialisation of a wa ter body. The time of basal peat accu mu la tion was es ti mated by ra dio car bon dat ing as 9860±130 14C BP (Gd-12393) and by palynological anal y sis as Preboreal. The anal y sis of macrofossils shows that in that pe riod, con sid er able hy dro log i cal changes took place in the study area. These hy dro log i cal changes were caused by melt ing of dead ice blocks that was com mon place in the Late Gla ...
`Little Ice Age' (LIA) climatic deteriorations have been abundantly documented in various archives s...
Re sults of geo log i cal and pol len in ves ti ga tions of the lake-bog sed i ments from the sec ti...
Na obszarze rynny jeziora Jasień zlokalizowano cztery stanowiska, dla których wykonano analizę palin...
The Mrągowo Lake District (NE Poland) with the area of 182 800 hectares was formed in 1/3 during the...
Late glacial and Holocene environmental history of Lake Łukie and its catchment is reconstructed fro...
This pa per pres ents re sults of in ves ti ga tion on peat and la cus trine sedi ments from the K³a...
Our research confirmed the value of kettle-hole mires for reconstructing Holocene environmental chan...
This study aimed to reconstruct environmental changes in the Wkra River Valley near Bielawy Gołuskie...
The diversity of origins of peatland basins in Central Poland allowed the peatlands to be distinguis...
The paper presents the data on an Eemian–Late Glacial sedimentary sequence from the Zwierzyniec site...
Loss and degradation of wetlands is now one of the most important environmental issues on a global s...
‘Little Ice Age’ (LIA) climatic deteriorations have been abundantly documented in various archives s...
Core drilling of a hole Bysławek-2 consisted of gyttja and peat, lying on the mineral deposits (fluv...
Late Glacial organic succession is recorded at the Żabieniec and Koźmin Las sites, in the Łódź regio...
The paleoecological research of biogenie sediments sampled in the different lake-mire ecosystems of ...
`Little Ice Age' (LIA) climatic deteriorations have been abundantly documented in various archives s...
Re sults of geo log i cal and pol len in ves ti ga tions of the lake-bog sed i ments from the sec ti...
Na obszarze rynny jeziora Jasień zlokalizowano cztery stanowiska, dla których wykonano analizę palin...
The Mrągowo Lake District (NE Poland) with the area of 182 800 hectares was formed in 1/3 during the...
Late glacial and Holocene environmental history of Lake Łukie and its catchment is reconstructed fro...
This pa per pres ents re sults of in ves ti ga tion on peat and la cus trine sedi ments from the K³a...
Our research confirmed the value of kettle-hole mires for reconstructing Holocene environmental chan...
This study aimed to reconstruct environmental changes in the Wkra River Valley near Bielawy Gołuskie...
The diversity of origins of peatland basins in Central Poland allowed the peatlands to be distinguis...
The paper presents the data on an Eemian–Late Glacial sedimentary sequence from the Zwierzyniec site...
Loss and degradation of wetlands is now one of the most important environmental issues on a global s...
‘Little Ice Age’ (LIA) climatic deteriorations have been abundantly documented in various archives s...
Core drilling of a hole Bysławek-2 consisted of gyttja and peat, lying on the mineral deposits (fluv...
Late Glacial organic succession is recorded at the Żabieniec and Koźmin Las sites, in the Łódź regio...
The paleoecological research of biogenie sediments sampled in the different lake-mire ecosystems of ...
`Little Ice Age' (LIA) climatic deteriorations have been abundantly documented in various archives s...
Re sults of geo log i cal and pol len in ves ti ga tions of the lake-bog sed i ments from the sec ti...
Na obszarze rynny jeziora Jasień zlokalizowano cztery stanowiska, dla których wykonano analizę palin...