1. W kręgu koncepcji romantycznego przełomu w Polsce: głównie koncepcji ewolucyjnej (“nalewanie młodego wina do starych dzbanów”) oraz rewolucyjnej (rewolucja na wielu polach za sprawą geniuszu Mickiewicza). 2. Próby periodyzacji i uściślenia romantycznego przełomu w Polsce. 3. Zjawisko poezji porozbiorowej (okresu najwcześniejszego).1. Some conceptions of the Romantic turn in Poland: mainly evolutionary („pouring new wine into old bottles”) and revolutionary (revolution in many areas owing to Mickiewicz); 2. Attempts at a chronology and precise characterization of the Romantic turn; 3. Poetry of the earliest post-partition period
This article recalls the value of poetry by Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, who is contemporarily analyzed ...
Temat pracy brzmi: Recepcja poezji oświeceniowej w Polsce ,,Ludowej” w latach 1944-1956. Głównym zał...
Praca poświęcona jest zagadnieniu batalistyki w polskiej poezji romantycznej. Badacz posługiwał się ...
The article formulates the following postulates: 1) The education of a historian of Polish romantic...
Jan Chryzostom Pasek’s seventeenth-century Pamiętniki [Diaries] has to be regarded an important manu...
The post-partition period of the Polish literature is characterized by a diversity of forms and styl...
Artykuł jest fragmentem rozdziału pracy doktorskiej.This article treats of sonnets in works of Polis...
The article investigates the critical and scientific discourses that have been functioning in the ...
This paper aims at a synthetic presentation of four representative research practices in the first s...
The most valuable part of Polish Romanticism was in fact lirycal. Even when we speak about large art...
The observation that the relationship between literary fiction and the reality is historical, factua...
Under the immense influence of Mochnacki’s literary criticism that, in turn, took its shape under th...
Anna Spólna’s reviewed book “Dialogs with Mickiewicz” is another voice in the discussion about the v...
The activity of the Lublin school of the Romanticism research was started in 1950 when the Chair of ...
This paper focuses on the origins of Polish Romanticism as born partially out of German idealist phi...
This article recalls the value of poetry by Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, who is contemporarily analyzed ...
Temat pracy brzmi: Recepcja poezji oświeceniowej w Polsce ,,Ludowej” w latach 1944-1956. Głównym zał...
Praca poświęcona jest zagadnieniu batalistyki w polskiej poezji romantycznej. Badacz posługiwał się ...
The article formulates the following postulates: 1) The education of a historian of Polish romantic...
Jan Chryzostom Pasek’s seventeenth-century Pamiętniki [Diaries] has to be regarded an important manu...
The post-partition period of the Polish literature is characterized by a diversity of forms and styl...
Artykuł jest fragmentem rozdziału pracy doktorskiej.This article treats of sonnets in works of Polis...
The article investigates the critical and scientific discourses that have been functioning in the ...
This paper aims at a synthetic presentation of four representative research practices in the first s...
The most valuable part of Polish Romanticism was in fact lirycal. Even when we speak about large art...
The observation that the relationship between literary fiction and the reality is historical, factua...
Under the immense influence of Mochnacki’s literary criticism that, in turn, took its shape under th...
Anna Spólna’s reviewed book “Dialogs with Mickiewicz” is another voice in the discussion about the v...
The activity of the Lublin school of the Romanticism research was started in 1950 when the Chair of ...
This paper focuses on the origins of Polish Romanticism as born partially out of German idealist phi...
This article recalls the value of poetry by Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, who is contemporarily analyzed ...
Temat pracy brzmi: Recepcja poezji oświeceniowej w Polsce ,,Ludowej” w latach 1944-1956. Głównym zał...
Praca poświęcona jest zagadnieniu batalistyki w polskiej poezji romantycznej. Badacz posługiwał się ...