As Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński credited young people with an important role in the future of the Church, the state and the nation. His pronouncements on the subject present a positive approach. In analysing the characteristics of young people as a group, their typical attitudes and tendencies, he pointed out opportunities as well as dangers. There was no room in his sermons for complaints or pessimism; on the contrary, there was deep trust in the fundamental goodness of contemporary youth as manifested in the values they already had. Primate Wyszyński stressed young people's desire for development, which expresses itself in their search and their struggle for their own personal identity. Young people build it up by discover...
Analiza tekstów źródłowych i wybranych opracowań biografii Kardynała Tysiąclecia Stefana Wyszyńskieg...
Young people perceive the Catholic Church in Poland as an institution closed to people with a differ...
The Polish post-war pastoral care of emigrants was shaped in great measure by bishop Joseph Gawlina,...
Youth is an important period in human life as it influences whole future on an individual. John Paul...
In the article the main motifs of Primate Wyszyński's teaching concerning the tasks of the Church to...
Autorka publikacji, mając na uwadze specyfikę przesłania pedagogicznego w nauczaniu kardynała Stefan...
Duszpasterstwo młodzieży jest posługą zbawczą Kościoła wobec młodzieży szkolnej, pozaszkolnej, akade...
Artykuł podejmuje kwestie dotyczące duchowości młodych ludzi. Celem przedstawionego opracowania jest...
The article has raised the issue of the implications of papal teaching during World Youth Day in Kra...
Po wyborze na Stolicę Piotrową papież Franciszek bardzo szybko wszedł w świat młodych ludzi i zaskar...
Autor analizuje i komentuje treść przemówień papieży Jana Pawła II, Benedykta XVI i Franciszka wygło...
John Paul II’s meetings with young people were an inspiration of World Youth Day. He wanted to encou...
One of the positive aspects of World Youth Day is its pedagogical influence. It encourages the integ...
World Youth Day that will take place in Krakow in 2016 offers all of us challenges and opportunities...
Cardinal August Hlond is a distinguished personality of the Catholic Church in Poland. His entire li...
Analiza tekstów źródłowych i wybranych opracowań biografii Kardynała Tysiąclecia Stefana Wyszyńskieg...
Young people perceive the Catholic Church in Poland as an institution closed to people with a differ...
The Polish post-war pastoral care of emigrants was shaped in great measure by bishop Joseph Gawlina,...
Youth is an important period in human life as it influences whole future on an individual. John Paul...
In the article the main motifs of Primate Wyszyński's teaching concerning the tasks of the Church to...
Autorka publikacji, mając na uwadze specyfikę przesłania pedagogicznego w nauczaniu kardynała Stefan...
Duszpasterstwo młodzieży jest posługą zbawczą Kościoła wobec młodzieży szkolnej, pozaszkolnej, akade...
Artykuł podejmuje kwestie dotyczące duchowości młodych ludzi. Celem przedstawionego opracowania jest...
The article has raised the issue of the implications of papal teaching during World Youth Day in Kra...
Po wyborze na Stolicę Piotrową papież Franciszek bardzo szybko wszedł w świat młodych ludzi i zaskar...
Autor analizuje i komentuje treść przemówień papieży Jana Pawła II, Benedykta XVI i Franciszka wygło...
John Paul II’s meetings with young people were an inspiration of World Youth Day. He wanted to encou...
One of the positive aspects of World Youth Day is its pedagogical influence. It encourages the integ...
World Youth Day that will take place in Krakow in 2016 offers all of us challenges and opportunities...
Cardinal August Hlond is a distinguished personality of the Catholic Church in Poland. His entire li...
Analiza tekstów źródłowych i wybranych opracowań biografii Kardynała Tysiąclecia Stefana Wyszyńskieg...
Young people perceive the Catholic Church in Poland as an institution closed to people with a differ...
The Polish post-war pastoral care of emigrants was shaped in great measure by bishop Joseph Gawlina,...