Oczopląs umyślny (ang. voluntary nystagmus) to wahadłowe, szybkie, poziome oscylacje gałek ocznych, bez fazy wolnej, inicjowane i utrzymywane przez pacjenta świadomie. Czas trwania tych oscylacji jest ograniczony zmęczeniem pacjenta. Przedstawiamy przypadek 13-letniejdziewczynki z oczopląsem, silnym bólem głowy i nudnościami. Podczas badania neurologicznego, w trakcie fiksacji stwierdzono oczopląs poziomy, dziewczyna skarżyła się również na zaburzenia widzenia pod postacią zamazanego obrazu. W badaniach dodatkowych (badanie okulistyczne, rezonans magnetyczny mózgowia) nie stwierdzono nieprawidłowości. Dokładna obserwacja pacjentki udowodniła, że dziewczynka świadomie demonstruje oczopląs. Umyślny oczopląs należy rozważyć w każdym przypadku,...
See-saw nystagmus is a rare ocular abnormality, only 15 cases having been recorded to date (Maddox
Nystagmus that is induced by turning the eye to an eccentric position in the orbit is called gaze-ev...
A female patient with upbeating nystagmus that increases in amplitude with upward gaze is shown. Th...
Nystagmus is an involuntary rhythmical movement of the eyes. The cause of nystagmus is a disruption...
Nystagmus is defined as rhythmic, most often involuntary eye movements. It normally consists of a sl...
Congenital nystagmus is usually diagnosed during infancy, but occasionally presents during adult lif...
Nistagmus se odnosi na nehotične, konjugirane i često ritmičke oscilacije očiju. Najčešći uzrok nist...
Nystagmus is an involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyes, which leads to reduced visual acuity d...
Example of a patient with see-saw nystagmus, showing how one eye elevates as the other depresses, wi...
Example of patient with voluntary nystagmus. Discussion of how a lack of uniform, patterned movement...
Congenital Nystagmus; Horizontal Pendular Nystagmus; Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome; Optokinetic Nyst...
Congenital Nystagmus; Horizontal Jerk Nystagmus; Optokinetic Nystagmus Absent; Infantile Nystagmus S...
: This is a 40-year-old woman presenting with imbalance, confusion and oscillopsia. Exam demonstrate...
SUMM ARY A survey of a college age population revealed that 8 % could produce voluntary nystagmus. S...
Some normal subjects can voluntarily induce saccadic oscillations, usually by converging; this party...
See-saw nystagmus is a rare ocular abnormality, only 15 cases having been recorded to date (Maddox
Nystagmus that is induced by turning the eye to an eccentric position in the orbit is called gaze-ev...
A female patient with upbeating nystagmus that increases in amplitude with upward gaze is shown. Th...
Nystagmus is an involuntary rhythmical movement of the eyes. The cause of nystagmus is a disruption...
Nystagmus is defined as rhythmic, most often involuntary eye movements. It normally consists of a sl...
Congenital nystagmus is usually diagnosed during infancy, but occasionally presents during adult lif...
Nistagmus se odnosi na nehotične, konjugirane i često ritmičke oscilacije očiju. Najčešći uzrok nist...
Nystagmus is an involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyes, which leads to reduced visual acuity d...
Example of a patient with see-saw nystagmus, showing how one eye elevates as the other depresses, wi...
Example of patient with voluntary nystagmus. Discussion of how a lack of uniform, patterned movement...
Congenital Nystagmus; Horizontal Pendular Nystagmus; Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome; Optokinetic Nyst...
Congenital Nystagmus; Horizontal Jerk Nystagmus; Optokinetic Nystagmus Absent; Infantile Nystagmus S...
: This is a 40-year-old woman presenting with imbalance, confusion and oscillopsia. Exam demonstrate...
SUMM ARY A survey of a college age population revealed that 8 % could produce voluntary nystagmus. S...
Some normal subjects can voluntarily induce saccadic oscillations, usually by converging; this party...
See-saw nystagmus is a rare ocular abnormality, only 15 cases having been recorded to date (Maddox
Nystagmus that is induced by turning the eye to an eccentric position in the orbit is called gaze-ev...
A female patient with upbeating nystagmus that increases in amplitude with upward gaze is shown. Th...