We study the property of continuous Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, for semihomogeneous vector bundles over a given Abelian variety, which was formulated in A. Küronya and Y. Mustopa [Adv. Geom. 20 (2020), no. 3, 401-412]. Our main result gives a novel description thereof. It is expressed in terms of certain normalized polynomial functions that are obtained via the Wedderburn decomposition of the Abelian variety’s endomorphism algebra. This result builds on earlier work of Mumford and Kempf and applies the form of the Riemann-Roch Theorem that was established in N. Grieve [New York J. Math. 23 (2017), 1087-1110]. In a complementary direction, we explain how these topics pertain to the Index and Generic Vanishing Theory conditions for simple...