Magnetic Properties of $Dy_{11}Si_4In_6$

  • Duraj, D.
  • Baran, S.
  • Jaworska-Gołąb, T.
  • Kalychak, Ya.
  • Przewoźnik, J.
  • Szytuła, A.
  • Tyvanchuk, Yu.
Publication date
May 2012
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences


Magnetic and specific heat measurements of $Dy_{11}Si_4In_6$ are reported. This compound crystallizes in the tetragonal $Sm_{11}Ge_4In_6$-type crystal structure (space group I4/mmm), in which Dy atoms occupy four different sites. The AC and DC magnetic measurements suggest complex magnetic properties. Below $T_{c}$ = 52 K magnetic ordering has a ferromagnetic component, while below 20 K a change of the properties is observed. Near the Curie temperature the magnetocaloric effect with the magnetic entropy change $\Delta S_{m}$ equal to 16.5 J/(kg K) is observed. The specific heat data indicate only the phase transition at 52 K

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