Having studied special literature and analized speech facts the author of the article has come to the conclusion that the pun can be defined as a speech genre of an intermediate type (between speech and literature), whose constructive basis is made of a complex of stylistical figures based on the paradigmatic relations in lexics
Статья о лекциях А.А. Потебни по филологии. An article about the lectures on philology
До 100-річчя від дня народження Івана Багряного.The article is devoted to the analyses of the figura...
Стаття присвячена аналізу вживання поняття парадигма простого речення в лінгвістичних працях учених...
The article deals with the analysis of those structures and their varieties which build up in the na...
The article deals with the comparative analysis of communicative and pragmatic potential of English,...
The article deals with the comparative analysis of communicative and pragmatic potential of English,...
Стаття присвячена лексико-стилістичним особливостям рекламних текстів. (This article is devoted to l...
The article deals with comparatively new category of linguistics - textual modality. This category i...
The article deals with comparatively new category of linguistics - textual modality. This category i...
The article considers the question of the correlation of the subject and research methodology of fun...
The article considers the question of the correlation of the subject and research methodology of fun...
The article deals with the realization of the communicative and pragmatic potential of proverbs in m...
The article deals with the realization of the communicative and pragmatic potential of proverbs in m...
Статья о лекциях А.А. Потебни по филологии. An article about the lectures on philology
Статья о лекциях А.А. Потебни по филологии. An article about the lectures on philology
Статья о лекциях А.А. Потебни по филологии. An article about the lectures on philology
До 100-річчя від дня народження Івана Багряного.The article is devoted to the analyses of the figura...
Стаття присвячена аналізу вживання поняття парадигма простого речення в лінгвістичних працях учених...
The article deals with the analysis of those structures and their varieties which build up in the na...
The article deals with the comparative analysis of communicative and pragmatic potential of English,...
The article deals with the comparative analysis of communicative and pragmatic potential of English,...
Стаття присвячена лексико-стилістичним особливостям рекламних текстів. (This article is devoted to l...
The article deals with comparatively new category of linguistics - textual modality. This category i...
The article deals with comparatively new category of linguistics - textual modality. This category i...
The article considers the question of the correlation of the subject and research methodology of fun...
The article considers the question of the correlation of the subject and research methodology of fun...
The article deals with the realization of the communicative and pragmatic potential of proverbs in m...
The article deals with the realization of the communicative and pragmatic potential of proverbs in m...
Статья о лекциях А.А. Потебни по филологии. An article about the lectures on philology
Статья о лекциях А.А. Потебни по филологии. An article about the lectures on philology
Статья о лекциях А.А. Потебни по филологии. An article about the lectures on philology
До 100-річчя від дня народження Івана Багряного.The article is devoted to the analyses of the figura...
Стаття присвячена аналізу вживання поняття парадигма простого речення в лінгвістичних працях учених...