Przeprowadzono jakościową ocenę 11 wybranych odmian miodów pszczelich pochodzących z terenów Podlasia, określając: wartość pH, kwasowość, liczbę diastazową (LD) oraz zawartość 5-hydroksyfurfuralu (HMF). Zbadano również wpływ poszczególnych miodów na bakterie chorobotwórcze Escherichia coli oraz Staphylococcus aureus. Wprawdzie wszystkie miody spełniały wymagane normy jakościowe, jednak najaktywniejsze enzymatycznie okazały się miody ciemne: gryczany, wrzosowy, miód ze spadzi iglastej oraz leśny. Odmiany te wyróżniały się także największą aktywnością przeciwdrobnoustrojową.A qualitative evaluation of 11 selected varieties of honeys originating from the areas of Podlasie was conducted. It was based on examination of the following factors: pH,...
Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are commonly found to infect wounds, developing tol...
The employment of natural substances such as beehive products with a preventive and therapeutic purp...
Celem pracy była ogólna charakterystyka różnych odmian miodu pszczelego w aspekcie jego właściwości ...
The use of honey as an antimicrobial agent gains importance due to often ineffectiveness of conventi...
Many times when it is studied the therapeutic effect of honey appears an important question regarded...
Background: Many countries and cultures worldwide use honey as a medicinal remedy to treat a variety...
In the recent years there has been an increasing interest in determination of the antioxidant activi...
Honey has been recognized as an effective antimicrobial agent, being able to combat both gram positi...
The principal objective of this study was to determine whether the honeys produced in apiaries locat...
The antimicrobial activity of 144 samples of honeys including 95 products from apiaries located in N...
Antimicrobial-resistant strains of bacteria are becoming increasingly prevalent. As Manuka honey is ...
Med je gusta viskozna tekućina čija boja varira u rasponu od svijetlo žute do tamno smeđe. Med i pro...
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Analytical Chemistr...
The first aim of the study was to compare the antibacterial activity of several types of honey of di...
Med pripada skupini visoko vrijednih namirnica koje su poznate od davnina. U najvećoj mjeri je sasta...
Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are commonly found to infect wounds, developing tol...
The employment of natural substances such as beehive products with a preventive and therapeutic purp...
Celem pracy była ogólna charakterystyka różnych odmian miodu pszczelego w aspekcie jego właściwości ...
The use of honey as an antimicrobial agent gains importance due to often ineffectiveness of conventi...
Many times when it is studied the therapeutic effect of honey appears an important question regarded...
Background: Many countries and cultures worldwide use honey as a medicinal remedy to treat a variety...
In the recent years there has been an increasing interest in determination of the antioxidant activi...
Honey has been recognized as an effective antimicrobial agent, being able to combat both gram positi...
The principal objective of this study was to determine whether the honeys produced in apiaries locat...
The antimicrobial activity of 144 samples of honeys including 95 products from apiaries located in N...
Antimicrobial-resistant strains of bacteria are becoming increasingly prevalent. As Manuka honey is ...
Med je gusta viskozna tekućina čija boja varira u rasponu od svijetlo žute do tamno smeđe. Med i pro...
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Analytical Chemistr...
The first aim of the study was to compare the antibacterial activity of several types of honey of di...
Med pripada skupini visoko vrijednih namirnica koje su poznate od davnina. U najvećoj mjeri je sasta...
Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are commonly found to infect wounds, developing tol...
The employment of natural substances such as beehive products with a preventive and therapeutic purp...
Celem pracy była ogólna charakterystyka różnych odmian miodu pszczelego w aspekcie jego właściwości ...