This essay presents an interpretation of Stanisław Barańczak’s Bist du bei mir – a poem that has often been the subject of literary studies. The author refers to the poem’s motto – a fragment of an aria by Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel from Clavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach, often falsely attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach. She also points at the context of mystical poetry: Adam Mickiewicz’s epigrams from Zdania i uwagi z dzieł Jakuba Bema, Anioła Ślązaka (Angelus Silesius) i Sę-Martena [Sentences and remarks. From the works of Jacob Böhme, Angelus Silesius, and St. Martin] and G. Herbert’s poems translated by Barańczak. In the author’s reading, the poet, in an ironic gesture of reference, strips the reader of literarydelusions, discove...