Przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące technologicznych możliwości sterowania procesem transgalaktozylacji laktozy, katalizowanym przez handlowe preparaty β-galaktozydazy, w permeacie po ultrafiltracji serwatki, w celu poprawy wydajności syntezy galaktooligosacharydów (GOS) i/lub laktulozy. Wykazano, że o wydajności procesu decyduje dobór preparatu β-galaktozydazy, stężenie substratu, a w syntezie laktulozy proporcja laktozy i fruktozy dodawanej do mieszaniny reakcyjnej. Uzyskaną wydajność syntezy GOS, a przede wszystkim laktulozy w ilości 65 g/dm³, można uznać jako zadowalającą. Korzystną zawartość GOS, tj. 13,7 %, w sacharydach uzyskano po procesie prowadzonym w 10 % roztworze laktozy, w reakcji katalizowanej przez Ha-Lactase. Efektem przep...
Galaktooligosaccharide (GOS) sind unverdauliche Kohlenhydrate, welche durch Transgalaktosylierung vo...
Hydrolysis of whey lactose to glucose and galactose by immobilized galactosidase comes as an alterna...
Se estudió la reacción de hidrólisis de la lactosa en conjunto con la concentración de proteínas en ...
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), molecules with prebiotic properties are considered promising in the ...
Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) are prebiotics that have a beneficial effect on human health by promot...
Valorization of by-products in the dairy industry as a strategy to promote circular economies has be...
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) are prebiotics that have a beneficial effect on human health by promo...
A hidrólise de lactose de soro de leite, resultando em glicose e galactose, apresenta-se como uma al...
As much as digesting of lactose emerged as an important health and nutritional problem and the defic...
Much attention has recently been paid to β-Galactosidases (β-D-galactoside galactohidrolase; EC 3.2....
This work is part of the doctoral thesis “Evaluation of a multienzyme system for galactooligosacchar...
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) are generally enzymatically synthesized with β-galactosidases. GOS a...
<p>The whey permeate is the residual of the concentration process of the whey proteins by ultrafiltr...
In this research hydrolysis and transgalactosylation reactions in lactulose synthesis from lactose a...
Piena permeāts un tajā esošā laktoze kā substrāts var tikt izmantots ogļhidrātu biokonversijas pētīj...
Galaktooligosaccharide (GOS) sind unverdauliche Kohlenhydrate, welche durch Transgalaktosylierung vo...
Hydrolysis of whey lactose to glucose and galactose by immobilized galactosidase comes as an alterna...
Se estudió la reacción de hidrólisis de la lactosa en conjunto con la concentración de proteínas en ...
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), molecules with prebiotic properties are considered promising in the ...
Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) are prebiotics that have a beneficial effect on human health by promot...
Valorization of by-products in the dairy industry as a strategy to promote circular economies has be...
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) are prebiotics that have a beneficial effect on human health by promo...
A hidrólise de lactose de soro de leite, resultando em glicose e galactose, apresenta-se como uma al...
As much as digesting of lactose emerged as an important health and nutritional problem and the defic...
Much attention has recently been paid to β-Galactosidases (β-D-galactoside galactohidrolase; EC 3.2....
This work is part of the doctoral thesis “Evaluation of a multienzyme system for galactooligosacchar...
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) are generally enzymatically synthesized with β-galactosidases. GOS a...
<p>The whey permeate is the residual of the concentration process of the whey proteins by ultrafiltr...
In this research hydrolysis and transgalactosylation reactions in lactulose synthesis from lactose a...
Piena permeāts un tajā esošā laktoze kā substrāts var tikt izmantots ogļhidrātu biokonversijas pētīj...
Galaktooligosaccharide (GOS) sind unverdauliche Kohlenhydrate, welche durch Transgalaktosylierung vo...
Hydrolysis of whey lactose to glucose and galactose by immobilized galactosidase comes as an alterna...
Se estudió la reacción de hidrólisis de la lactosa en conjunto con la concentración de proteínas en ...