Eleven years after the last financial crisis, many banks are still working out their organisational backlogs and severe financial losses. Apart from the expansionary monetary policy and faulty financial inno- vations, the lack of proper supervision of the financial sector is considered one of the main sources of the global economic crisis. The expectations of shareholders led banks to take more courageous risks, more leverage and more speculation. Ownership supervision failed as a result, as virtually no bank was prepared for the imminent catastrophe. To prevent a similar scenario in the future, reforms in the financial sector were considered necessary, and above all the strengthening of corporate governance was considered necessary. Althou...
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of corporate governance structures in ...
This paper will aim at proving that the introduction of the reforms known as Basel III considerabl...
Banking supervision is a form of state interventionism applied by this state to express its intentio...
Nadzór korporacyjny banków różni się od nadzoru nad spółkami niefinansowymi. Jak pokazuje obecny kry...
The scientific editor and co-authors of this book have undertaken a very ambitious and difficult tas...
The dominance of foreign capital in banking sector in the CEE countries created vulnerabilities that...
The study identifies a new banking regulations designed to preserve the financial stability of the w...
Cooperative banking – retail banking, carried out by locally-based small institutions, for years has...
The introduction of free market in Poland entails a number of social and economic reforms, includin...
The article assesses the impact of the European Union’s CRD IV/CRR capital requirements package - co...
The corporate governance practices of EU bank group were based on the principle of self-regulation. ...
Corporate Governance in the Banking Sector; rozdziałThe fi nancial crisis has highlighted many areas...
Celem badań było zaprezentowanie zmian, które zaszły w otoczeniu makroekonomicznym banków spółdzielc...
Przedmiotem artykułu koncepcyjnego jest ocena ewentualnego wpływu regulacji bankowych opracowywanych...
New prudential regulations established for banks in Europe (directive 2013/36/UE - known also as CRD...
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of corporate governance structures in ...
This paper will aim at proving that the introduction of the reforms known as Basel III considerabl...
Banking supervision is a form of state interventionism applied by this state to express its intentio...
Nadzór korporacyjny banków różni się od nadzoru nad spółkami niefinansowymi. Jak pokazuje obecny kry...
The scientific editor and co-authors of this book have undertaken a very ambitious and difficult tas...
The dominance of foreign capital in banking sector in the CEE countries created vulnerabilities that...
The study identifies a new banking regulations designed to preserve the financial stability of the w...
Cooperative banking – retail banking, carried out by locally-based small institutions, for years has...
The introduction of free market in Poland entails a number of social and economic reforms, includin...
The article assesses the impact of the European Union’s CRD IV/CRR capital requirements package - co...
The corporate governance practices of EU bank group were based on the principle of self-regulation. ...
Corporate Governance in the Banking Sector; rozdziałThe fi nancial crisis has highlighted many areas...
Celem badań było zaprezentowanie zmian, które zaszły w otoczeniu makroekonomicznym banków spółdzielc...
Przedmiotem artykułu koncepcyjnego jest ocena ewentualnego wpływu regulacji bankowych opracowywanych...
New prudential regulations established for banks in Europe (directive 2013/36/UE - known also as CRD...
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of corporate governance structures in ...
This paper will aim at proving that the introduction of the reforms known as Basel III considerabl...
Banking supervision is a form of state interventionism applied by this state to express its intentio...