In the article, I argue that semantic considerations cannot provide arguments to solve metaphysical debates. Any potential conclusions would only be possible at the expense of modifying the concept of truth. The results of such attempts, however, prove to be brazenly artificial and inconsistent.W artykule uzasadniam twierdzenie, że rozważania semantyczne nie mogą dostarczyć argumentów służących do rozstrzygania sporów metafizycznych. Ewentualne rozstrzygnięcia byłyby osiągalne jedynie za cenę modyfikacji pojęcia prawdy. Rezultaty takich prób są jednak rażąco sztuczne i niespójne
The author of the article aims at justifying the following theses: (1) never will scientific knowled...
The metaphysics of impossible worldsThe article outlines the main motivations for postulating imposs...
The aim of the article is to analyze the concept of the truth value of propositions from the perspec...
The purpose of the following pages is to show that the rejection of Metaphysical Correspondentism do...
The aim of the article is to show a possible way of constructing an argument for the reality of...
The analysis of arguments for non-existence of God shows, that they touch, on different levels, the ...
In the present article, we have demonstrated that it is important to understand the equating of math...
In the article I discuss the problem of the defense of realism based on biological monadism – a phil...
Experience and metaphysicsThe main aim of this article is to compare Thomistic metaphysics based on ...
In the article I deal with some paradoxes and errors caused by improper usage of logical and philoso...
W artykule przedstawia się dwa argumenty na rzecz tezy, że antyrealistyczne podejście do dyskursu o ...
We współczesnej debacie o uprawdziwianiu pojawiły się liczne tzw. „mechanizmy uprawdziwiania” (ukoni...
The article aims to determine whether it is possible to build the reliably practiced classical philo...
The aim of the article is to consider the problem of metaphysical realism that is defined as the the...
The main objective of my article is the presentation and critical analysis of two possible interpre...
The author of the article aims at justifying the following theses: (1) never will scientific knowled...
The metaphysics of impossible worldsThe article outlines the main motivations for postulating imposs...
The aim of the article is to analyze the concept of the truth value of propositions from the perspec...
The purpose of the following pages is to show that the rejection of Metaphysical Correspondentism do...
The aim of the article is to show a possible way of constructing an argument for the reality of...
The analysis of arguments for non-existence of God shows, that they touch, on different levels, the ...
In the present article, we have demonstrated that it is important to understand the equating of math...
In the article I discuss the problem of the defense of realism based on biological monadism – a phil...
Experience and metaphysicsThe main aim of this article is to compare Thomistic metaphysics based on ...
In the article I deal with some paradoxes and errors caused by improper usage of logical and philoso...
W artykule przedstawia się dwa argumenty na rzecz tezy, że antyrealistyczne podejście do dyskursu o ...
We współczesnej debacie o uprawdziwianiu pojawiły się liczne tzw. „mechanizmy uprawdziwiania” (ukoni...
The article aims to determine whether it is possible to build the reliably practiced classical philo...
The aim of the article is to consider the problem of metaphysical realism that is defined as the the...
The main objective of my article is the presentation and critical analysis of two possible interpre...
The author of the article aims at justifying the following theses: (1) never will scientific knowled...
The metaphysics of impossible worldsThe article outlines the main motivations for postulating imposs...
The aim of the article is to analyze the concept of the truth value of propositions from the perspec...