What is the camp? Is it aesthetics, a lifestyle and maybe the way of looking at the world around us? Susan Sontag gave some answers to those questions in her essay entitled Notes on Camp published in 1964 in ‘Partisan Review’, an American quarterly. Kitsch and camp are primarily a mass expression of beauty, revealed even in ugliness. Aesthetics of kitsch and camp are difficult to clearly define—it is primarily the expression and product of contemporary culture. Contemporary popular culture as ‘parent power’ (from: K. Brzęk, Kamp jako strategia dystansu wobec kultury popularnej, http://www.kocur.uni.wroc.pl/index. php?option=com_content&task=view&id=311&Itemid=125), [01.06.2013] values simplicity, wants to be understood and loved by a wide a...