Problematyka równowagi ciała ćwiczących sztuki i sporty walki stanowi ważny aspekt badań [Cesari i Bertucco 2008; Juras i in. 2013; Pion i in. 2014; Witkowski i in. 2014; Gierczuk i Sadowski, 2015; Mala i in. 2016; Milosavljevic i in. 2016). Utrzymanie stabilnej postawy w walce wpływa bowiem na skuteczność wszystkich podejmowanych działań [Błach i in. 2005; Kalina i in. 2007; Sterkowicz i in. 2012; Truszczyńska i in. 2015). Dokonano przeglądu literatury w bazie danych EBSCOhost za pomocą następujących słów kluczowych: „zdolności koordynacyjne”, „równowaga statystyczna”, „równowaga dynamiczna”. Empirycznie udowodniono korzystny wpływ treningu sztuk i sportów walki na kształtowanie kontroli postawy ciała ćwiczących [Falk i Mor, 1996; Perrot i...
Title: Evaluation of the ability to dynamically stabilize and postural strategy of Czech female hand...
The aim of research: to determine the strength and conditioning of athletes using strength, jumping ...
Introduction: The study of athletes’ psychophysiological characteristics is one of the major problem...
Stachoń Aleksandra, Burdukiewicz Anna, Pietraszewska Jadwiga, Andrzejewska Justyna, Stefaniak Tadeus...
Background & Study Aim: Preservation of postural stability of the body during competitive fights is ...
Postural stability is the ability to keep the center of body mass within a controlled base of suppor...
Cel pracy: Ocena stanu odżywienia w grupie mężczyzn trenujących sztuki walki formuły K1 i Muay Thai ...
Title: The balance assessed in the martial art of Taekwondo Objectives: The main objective of this t...
Wstęp: Prawidłowo przeprowadzone obniżanie masy ciała w sportach walki może dać współmierne korzyści...
Purpose: investigate changes in the indicators of the physical condition of students under the influ...
The aim of this study is to measure both dynamic balance of elite martial arts athletes doing functi...
Tomaszewski P., Szulc A., Buśko K. Change of body balance in dancers during two years training. Jour...
Makarczuk Anna. Body posture and competitive sport - a review of selected studies. Journal of Educat...
Background and Study Aim. The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of the morphofunctional ...
Dymel Piotr, Szylińska Aleksandra. Functional assessment of people practicing Brazilian martial art ...
Title: Evaluation of the ability to dynamically stabilize and postural strategy of Czech female hand...
The aim of research: to determine the strength and conditioning of athletes using strength, jumping ...
Introduction: The study of athletes’ psychophysiological characteristics is one of the major problem...
Stachoń Aleksandra, Burdukiewicz Anna, Pietraszewska Jadwiga, Andrzejewska Justyna, Stefaniak Tadeus...
Background & Study Aim: Preservation of postural stability of the body during competitive fights is ...
Postural stability is the ability to keep the center of body mass within a controlled base of suppor...
Cel pracy: Ocena stanu odżywienia w grupie mężczyzn trenujących sztuki walki formuły K1 i Muay Thai ...
Title: The balance assessed in the martial art of Taekwondo Objectives: The main objective of this t...
Wstęp: Prawidłowo przeprowadzone obniżanie masy ciała w sportach walki może dać współmierne korzyści...
Purpose: investigate changes in the indicators of the physical condition of students under the influ...
The aim of this study is to measure both dynamic balance of elite martial arts athletes doing functi...
Tomaszewski P., Szulc A., Buśko K. Change of body balance in dancers during two years training. Jour...
Makarczuk Anna. Body posture and competitive sport - a review of selected studies. Journal of Educat...
Background and Study Aim. The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of the morphofunctional ...
Dymel Piotr, Szylińska Aleksandra. Functional assessment of people practicing Brazilian martial art ...
Title: Evaluation of the ability to dynamically stabilize and postural strategy of Czech female hand...
The aim of research: to determine the strength and conditioning of athletes using strength, jumping ...
Introduction: The study of athletes’ psychophysiological characteristics is one of the major problem...