Through the whole of his military career, Jacek Boratyński served with one formation – winged hussars (husaria). Between 1666 and 1676 he was a companion (towarzysz) in two hussars’ banners (companies): initially in one of Aleksander Michał Lubomirski, voivode of Cracow, then after 1668 in the one of Jan Sobieski, grand marshal and grand Crown (Polish) hetman (and since 1674 king as Jan III). Then in 1676 he became lieutenant in the hussars’ banner of Jan Gniński, voivode of Chełmno (since 1682 Crown vice-chancellor). In such capacity, as officer of Polish lancers, he took part in Gniński’s embassy to Istanbul (1677–1678) and in relief of Vienna in 1683. He was part of the group of soldiers that were under patronage of grand Crown hetman St...