Historia światłowodów została zapoczątkowana przez przez Daniella Colladona, który wykorzystał zjawisko całkowitego wewnętrznego odbicia do prowadzenia światła w strumieniu wody. Kolejnym krokiem koniecznym do rozwoju techniki światłowodowej było opracowanie odpowiednich technologii wytwarzania i obróbki szkieł, które stały się podstawowym materiałem do wytwarzania światłowodów. Osiągnięcia w wymienionych obszarach pozwoliły na opracowywanie coraz doskonalszych rozwiązań. Do najważniejszych wśród nich należą: wprowadzenie płaszcza optycznego, opracowanie sposobów kształtowania profilu refrakcyjnego włókien, opracowanie konstrukcji światłowodu jednomodowego oraz obniżenie tłumienia z 1000 dB/km do 0,2 dB/km. Pozwoliło to na zastosowanie świa...
The implementation of fiber optic technology has solved the increasing problems in Telecommunication...
Using sun and reflectors, communicating with light goes back thousands of years. But with the advent...
The implementation of fiber optic technology has solved the increasing problems in Telecommunication...
The article presents the most important events in the development of optical communications since an...
U prošlosti pa i danas svijet se uvelike oslanjao na bakrene kabele. Međutim, neke od dosadašnjih pr...
Telephone, telefax, email and internet -- the key ingredient of the inner workings is the conduit: t...
U prošlosti pa i danas svijet se uvelike oslanjao na bakrene kabele. Međutim, neke od dosadašnjih pr...
U prošlosti pa i danas svijet se uvelike oslanjao na bakrene kabele. Međutim, neke od dosadašnjih pr...
U današnje je vrijeme većina globalnih računalnih mreža gdje se promet odvija na velike udaljenosti ...
U današnje je vrijeme većina globalnih računalnih mreža gdje se promet odvija na velike udaljenosti ...
The purpose of this project is to study, compare and contrast the Evolution of Optical Fibre Deploym...
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá parametry a vlastnostmi elektromagnetické vlny, jejím šířením v prost...
This document will guide you through the historical devel-opment of fiber optics and the advances in...
The purpose of writing a scientific article is to highlight the history of the development of fiber-...
The implementation of fiber optic technology has solved the increasing problems in Telecommunication...
The implementation of fiber optic technology has solved the increasing problems in Telecommunication...
Using sun and reflectors, communicating with light goes back thousands of years. But with the advent...
The implementation of fiber optic technology has solved the increasing problems in Telecommunication...
The article presents the most important events in the development of optical communications since an...
U prošlosti pa i danas svijet se uvelike oslanjao na bakrene kabele. Međutim, neke od dosadašnjih pr...
Telephone, telefax, email and internet -- the key ingredient of the inner workings is the conduit: t...
U prošlosti pa i danas svijet se uvelike oslanjao na bakrene kabele. Međutim, neke od dosadašnjih pr...
U prošlosti pa i danas svijet se uvelike oslanjao na bakrene kabele. Međutim, neke od dosadašnjih pr...
U današnje je vrijeme većina globalnih računalnih mreža gdje se promet odvija na velike udaljenosti ...
U današnje je vrijeme većina globalnih računalnih mreža gdje se promet odvija na velike udaljenosti ...
The purpose of this project is to study, compare and contrast the Evolution of Optical Fibre Deploym...
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá parametry a vlastnostmi elektromagnetické vlny, jejím šířením v prost...
This document will guide you through the historical devel-opment of fiber optics and the advances in...
The purpose of writing a scientific article is to highlight the history of the development of fiber-...
The implementation of fiber optic technology has solved the increasing problems in Telecommunication...
The implementation of fiber optic technology has solved the increasing problems in Telecommunication...
Using sun and reflectors, communicating with light goes back thousands of years. But with the advent...
The implementation of fiber optic technology has solved the increasing problems in Telecommunication...