W artykule zastosowano metod. kopuli do dwuwymiarowej analizy wezbra. sztormowych. Wezbrania sztormowe scharakteryzowano dwuwymiarow. zmienn. losow.: maksymalnym poziomem morza ponad nape.nienie w profilach wodowskazowych .winouj.cie PM.WI i Ko.obrzeg PMKOL. Proba losowa zosta.a wyznaczona na podstawie zidentyfikowanych wezbra. sztormowych wzd.u. po.udniowych wybrze.y Ba.tyku w latach 1976.2000. Celem artyku.u by.o znalezienie najlepszego dwuwymiarowego rozk.adu prawdopodobie.stwa badanej zmiennej losowej (PM.WI, PMKOL). Badaniu poddano eliptyczn. kopul. gaussowsk. i archimedesowsk. jednoparametrow. Gumela-Hougaarda. Do badania zgodno.ci kopuli z zaobserwowanymi realizacjami zmiennej losowej (PM.WI, PMKOL) u.yto wspo.czynnika korelacji rang...
Coastal areas are vulnerable to floods caused by rainstorms and typhoons. It is necessary to ascerta...
Abstract. The winds associated with extra-tropical cy-clones are amongst the costliest natural peril...
This study generalized the best copula to characterize the joint probability distribution between ra...
This paper presents an advanced approach to statistically analyse storm surge events. In former stud...
AbstractStudy regionNarew River in Northeastern Poland.Study focusThree methods for frequency analys...
A warming climate is associated with increasing hydroclimatic extremes, which are often interconnect...
This article proposes the use of copula (copula function) for the purpose of two-dimensional analysi...
A warming climate is associated with increasing hydroclimatic extremes, which are often interconnect...
"Hydrological events are often characterized by the joint behavior of several correlated random vari...
In this paper, a copula based methodology is presented for flood frequency analysis of Upper Godavar...
Multivariate statistics are important to determine the flood hydrograph for the design of hydraulic ...
The use of copulas as flexible tools for constructing marginal-free distribution functions for multi...
The dependences between multiple variables were analyzed aiming at some abnormal crossing phenomena ...
Bivariate flood frequency analysis offers improved understanding of the complex flood process and us...
In this paper, a copula-based methodology is presented for probabilistic assessment of flood risks a...
Coastal areas are vulnerable to floods caused by rainstorms and typhoons. It is necessary to ascerta...
Abstract. The winds associated with extra-tropical cy-clones are amongst the costliest natural peril...
This study generalized the best copula to characterize the joint probability distribution between ra...
This paper presents an advanced approach to statistically analyse storm surge events. In former stud...
AbstractStudy regionNarew River in Northeastern Poland.Study focusThree methods for frequency analys...
A warming climate is associated with increasing hydroclimatic extremes, which are often interconnect...
This article proposes the use of copula (copula function) for the purpose of two-dimensional analysi...
A warming climate is associated with increasing hydroclimatic extremes, which are often interconnect...
"Hydrological events are often characterized by the joint behavior of several correlated random vari...
In this paper, a copula based methodology is presented for flood frequency analysis of Upper Godavar...
Multivariate statistics are important to determine the flood hydrograph for the design of hydraulic ...
The use of copulas as flexible tools for constructing marginal-free distribution functions for multi...
The dependences between multiple variables were analyzed aiming at some abnormal crossing phenomena ...
Bivariate flood frequency analysis offers improved understanding of the complex flood process and us...
In this paper, a copula-based methodology is presented for probabilistic assessment of flood risks a...
Coastal areas are vulnerable to floods caused by rainstorms and typhoons. It is necessary to ascerta...
Abstract. The winds associated with extra-tropical cy-clones are amongst the costliest natural peril...
This study generalized the best copula to characterize the joint probability distribution between ra...