Observations are made on the distribution and variability in the Globigerinoldes-Orbulina group in the Middle Miocene (Badenian) of Central Paratethys. The analysis of distribution and morphological diversity of planktic foraminifera versus environmental conditions prevailing in the Badenian of the studied area suggests that regional differentiation of the microfauna was controlled by bathymetric (or bathymetry-related) conditions and the stratigraphic — by climatic and, on a smaller scale, bathymetry-related ones. The differentiation is found within systematic groups (genera and species) of the analysed microfauna. In the case of foraminifera most sensitive to the above changes (representatives of Globigerinoides), it is also traceable in ...
Samples of Skalski Marl Member in Biała Woda stream section have been subject of micropalaentologic...
The Badenian section of Anadoly near Kamyanets Podilskyy (Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep Basin) consi...
Do analizy zespołów otwornicowych pobrano 38 próbek, z czego w 7 próbkach nie stwierdzono mikrofauny...
The aim of this thesis was to present an interpretation of the paleoenvironment of the Parathetys in...
Foraminifers occurring in marls underlying the Middle Miocene Badenian gypsum in the northern Polish...
Globorotaliids of the Skawina Formation (Badenian) come from deposits representing CPN 7 (Orbulina s...
Celem przeprowadzonych badań było bliższe rozpoznanie wieku i paleośrodowiska osadów mioceńskich zło...
Middle and Late Miocene (Late Badenian and Sarmatian) foraminifera of the epicontinental deposits of...
In tropical areas four important planktonic foraminiferal datum planes serve to delimit and subdivi...
The most abundant benthic foraminifers recorded in the Wielician salt-enclosed xenoliths are: Bulimi...
Globigerinoides is a group of planktonic foraminifera who appeared in the world's oceans around the ...
Midd~e and Late Miocene (Late Badenian and Sarmatlan) foraminifera of the epicontinental deposits of...
The Upper Badenian marly shales overlying gypsum and the Ratyn Limestone at Shchyrets, Ukraine, cont...
Opisana je foraminiferska zajednica iz odabranog uzorka naslaga miocenske starosti na Dilj gori, ge...
Middle Miocene (Badenian) microproblematics, known as Bolboforma Daniels et Spiegler, 1974 and Bachm...
Samples of Skalski Marl Member in Biała Woda stream section have been subject of micropalaentologic...
The Badenian section of Anadoly near Kamyanets Podilskyy (Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep Basin) consi...
Do analizy zespołów otwornicowych pobrano 38 próbek, z czego w 7 próbkach nie stwierdzono mikrofauny...
The aim of this thesis was to present an interpretation of the paleoenvironment of the Parathetys in...
Foraminifers occurring in marls underlying the Middle Miocene Badenian gypsum in the northern Polish...
Globorotaliids of the Skawina Formation (Badenian) come from deposits representing CPN 7 (Orbulina s...
Celem przeprowadzonych badań było bliższe rozpoznanie wieku i paleośrodowiska osadów mioceńskich zło...
Middle and Late Miocene (Late Badenian and Sarmatian) foraminifera of the epicontinental deposits of...
In tropical areas four important planktonic foraminiferal datum planes serve to delimit and subdivi...
The most abundant benthic foraminifers recorded in the Wielician salt-enclosed xenoliths are: Bulimi...
Globigerinoides is a group of planktonic foraminifera who appeared in the world's oceans around the ...
Midd~e and Late Miocene (Late Badenian and Sarmatlan) foraminifera of the epicontinental deposits of...
The Upper Badenian marly shales overlying gypsum and the Ratyn Limestone at Shchyrets, Ukraine, cont...
Opisana je foraminiferska zajednica iz odabranog uzorka naslaga miocenske starosti na Dilj gori, ge...
Middle Miocene (Badenian) microproblematics, known as Bolboforma Daniels et Spiegler, 1974 and Bachm...
Samples of Skalski Marl Member in Biała Woda stream section have been subject of micropalaentologic...
The Badenian section of Anadoly near Kamyanets Podilskyy (Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep Basin) consi...
Do analizy zespołów otwornicowych pobrano 38 próbek, z czego w 7 próbkach nie stwierdzono mikrofauny...