Przedstawiono wyniki analizy Cladocera z osadów późnoczwartorzędowych, wykonane dla 5 profilów z 4 zbiorników słodkowodnych. Szczegółowa analiza jakościowa i ilościowa gatunków Cladocera pozwoliła na rekonstrukcję rozwoju kopalnych jezior z okolic Worytów (Pojezierze Mazurskie) i Niechorza (Pomorze Zachodnie). Na podstawie składu gatunkowego i ilości szczątków w osadach wydzielono fazy rozwoju Cladocera, a zarazem fazy biologicznego rozwoju jezior. Uchwycono etapy wzmożonej eutrofizacji związane prawdopodobnie z osadnictwem oraz fluktuacje klimatyczne. Wydzielone fazy rozwoju Cladocera odpowiadają częściowo fazom klimatycznym w późnym glacjale i holocenie.Cladocera from five late Quaternary profiles of 4 lake basins have been investigated. ...
© SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. This investigation is aimed to determine general development patter...
This study aimed to reconstruct environmental changes in the Wkra River Valley near Bielawy Gołuskie...
Late glacial and Holocene environmental history of Lake Łukie and its catchment is reconstructed fro...
Cladocera are a group of water animals, which are strongly dependent on environmental conditions. Th...
Na obszarze rynny jeziora Jasień zlokalizowano cztery stanowiska, dla których wykonano analizę palin...
The results of analysis of Cladocera occurrence in lacustrine sediments from the Kubłowo site have b...
High res o lu tion stud ies on subfossil Cladocera from three closely lo cated lakes of the Che³m Hi...
5 ABSTRACT Long-term paleoenvironmental reconstructions provides essential interpretation of environ...
The use of subfossil cladocerans is rare for understanding environmental, cultural and archaeologica...
Two sections of sediment from small oxbow-lake infillings located in different river valleys in cent...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The study aims to explore the evolution of lakes of...
Cladocera are among the best represented groups of aquatic invertebrates that leave fossils in lake ...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Diatoms, pollen, and remains of higher vegetation a...
W artykule przedyskutowano zagadnienie wpływu rzeźby terenu i budowy geologicznej dużej doliny rzecz...
This pa per pres ents de vel op ment of the paleolake Starowlany ex ist ing in the Eemian Inter gla ...
© SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. This investigation is aimed to determine general development patter...
This study aimed to reconstruct environmental changes in the Wkra River Valley near Bielawy Gołuskie...
Late glacial and Holocene environmental history of Lake Łukie and its catchment is reconstructed fro...
Cladocera are a group of water animals, which are strongly dependent on environmental conditions. Th...
Na obszarze rynny jeziora Jasień zlokalizowano cztery stanowiska, dla których wykonano analizę palin...
The results of analysis of Cladocera occurrence in lacustrine sediments from the Kubłowo site have b...
High res o lu tion stud ies on subfossil Cladocera from three closely lo cated lakes of the Che³m Hi...
5 ABSTRACT Long-term paleoenvironmental reconstructions provides essential interpretation of environ...
The use of subfossil cladocerans is rare for understanding environmental, cultural and archaeologica...
Two sections of sediment from small oxbow-lake infillings located in different river valleys in cent...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The study aims to explore the evolution of lakes of...
Cladocera are among the best represented groups of aquatic invertebrates that leave fossils in lake ...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Diatoms, pollen, and remains of higher vegetation a...
W artykule przedyskutowano zagadnienie wpływu rzeźby terenu i budowy geologicznej dużej doliny rzecz...
This pa per pres ents de vel op ment of the paleolake Starowlany ex ist ing in the Eemian Inter gla ...
© SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. This investigation is aimed to determine general development patter...
This study aimed to reconstruct environmental changes in the Wkra River Valley near Bielawy Gołuskie...
Late glacial and Holocene environmental history of Lake Łukie and its catchment is reconstructed fro...