Photograph of two UNIDENTIFIED men standing in the orchard of W. H. Smith and looking at the fields vetch and Abruzzi rye which provides it with seed production and soil improvement. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Vetch in bloom and Abruzzi rye in orchard for seed and soil improvement. This is the second year that vetch has been used in the 400 acre orchard. Last year Smith seeded 85 acres and harvested seed on 45 acres, using the seed in the orchard this year. He brought additional land last year & put vetch on a badly eroded, clay hill. It was turned under & followed with peanuts which made 60 bu. per acre. Smith said "Peanuts were fertilized with about 70 to 100# per acre of 4-12-4, but I don't figure we would have made any peanu...