International audienceGiven the opportunity to use a new cluster computer with over a quarter million compute cores we tested the strong and weak scaling of a monodomain reaction-diffusion model of the human ventricles with Ten Tusscher-Panfilov dynamics. Element sizes down to 25 µm and a model size up to 11 billion nodes were tested with both explicit and implicit Euler integration methods. Time steps were 0.01 ms for the implicit method and were resolution-dependent for the explicit method. We found that the weak scaling (increasing model size) was good for both methods. Depending on the model size, strong scaling (speedup at a larger number of cores) was satisfactory for the explicit method, and more limited for the implicit method. The ...
Abstract Background Many arrhythmias are triggered by abnormal electrical activity at the ionic chan...
Solving the electric activity of the heart possess a big challenge, not only because of the structur...
In the last decade, computational modelling has been playing an important role as a non-invasive tec...
Given the opportunity to use a new cluster computer with over a quarter million compute cores we tes...
International audienceRealistic simulation of cardiac electrophysiology requires both high resolutio...
In this study, the feasibility of conducting in silico experiments in near-realtime with anatomicall...
AbstractElectromechanical (EM) models of the heart have been used successfully to study fundamental ...
Electromechanical (EM) models of the heart have been used successfully to study fundamental mechanis...
In this study we present a novel computational model for unprecedented simulations of the whole card...
We show that through careful and model-specific optimizations of their GPU implementations, simulati...
Numerical simulations of cellular membranes are useful for both basic science and increasingly for c...
In this study, the feasibility of conducting in silico experiments in near-realtime with anatomicall...
Cardiac electrophysiological simulations are computationally intensive tasks. The growing complexity...
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, and are estimated to kill over 17 ...
<p>Realistic electrocardiogram (ECG) simulation with numerical models is important for research link...
Abstract Background Many arrhythmias are triggered by abnormal electrical activity at the ionic chan...
Solving the electric activity of the heart possess a big challenge, not only because of the structur...
In the last decade, computational modelling has been playing an important role as a non-invasive tec...
Given the opportunity to use a new cluster computer with over a quarter million compute cores we tes...
International audienceRealistic simulation of cardiac electrophysiology requires both high resolutio...
In this study, the feasibility of conducting in silico experiments in near-realtime with anatomicall...
AbstractElectromechanical (EM) models of the heart have been used successfully to study fundamental ...
Electromechanical (EM) models of the heart have been used successfully to study fundamental mechanis...
In this study we present a novel computational model for unprecedented simulations of the whole card...
We show that through careful and model-specific optimizations of their GPU implementations, simulati...
Numerical simulations of cellular membranes are useful for both basic science and increasingly for c...
In this study, the feasibility of conducting in silico experiments in near-realtime with anatomicall...
Cardiac electrophysiological simulations are computationally intensive tasks. The growing complexity...
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, and are estimated to kill over 17 ...
<p>Realistic electrocardiogram (ECG) simulation with numerical models is important for research link...
Abstract Background Many arrhythmias are triggered by abnormal electrical activity at the ionic chan...
Solving the electric activity of the heart possess a big challenge, not only because of the structur...
In the last decade, computational modelling has been playing an important role as a non-invasive tec...