The use of a competency-based approach to forming professional culture in pre-service lawyers / Sergey Petkov, Serhii Denysov, Ganna Yermakova, Viktoria Palchenkova, Viktoriia Vovk // International Journal of Higher Educati. – 2020. – № 9 (7). – Р. 367-376. – DOI:У статті актуалізується проблема формування професійної культури під час підготовки майбутніх юристів на основі компетентнісного підходу. Також наголошується на проблемах, пов'язаних з його впровадженням в освітній процес сучасного навчального закладу. Дослідження розкриває сутність та структуру професійної культури майбутнього юриста. Таким чином, професійна культура юриста є сукупністю різних культурних компонентів (естетичних, правових, інфо...
The article deals with the problem of training future computer science teachers for the use of cloud...
Distribution of the roots of dispersion equation of the parametric Cherenkov radiation (PCR) excited...
Personalized learning is an up-to-date trend of formal and informal education development. Its main ...
Using of new learning and IC technologies is necessary for effective learning of modern students. Th...
The article considers the use of blended learning as an effective methodology of encouraging student...
Формування етичної поведінки важливо для налагодження роботи як в колективі, так і з суспільством, і...
This paper focuses on the using augmented reality elements in the educational process, in particular...
The use of information and communication technologies contributes to the development and reorganizat...
The article discusses the theoretical and methodological issues of professional training, pedagogic...
This paper presents an analysis of the possibilities and advantages of augmented reality technologie...
In the article the possibilities of creation of networks which provide teachers’ professional develo...
The active acquisition of foreign language communication in different types of activities in accorda...
The article looks into the matter of developing methodical recommendations for the structure and con...
У фокусі дослідження – концептосфера ‘lawyer’, як складова загальної концептосфери ‘юриспруденція’ в...
We conducted an analysis of the learning aids used in the study of general technical disciplines. Th...
The article deals with the problem of training future computer science teachers for the use of cloud...
Distribution of the roots of dispersion equation of the parametric Cherenkov radiation (PCR) excited...
Personalized learning is an up-to-date trend of formal and informal education development. Its main ...
Using of new learning and IC technologies is necessary for effective learning of modern students. Th...
The article considers the use of blended learning as an effective methodology of encouraging student...
Формування етичної поведінки важливо для налагодження роботи як в колективі, так і з суспільством, і...
This paper focuses on the using augmented reality elements in the educational process, in particular...
The use of information and communication technologies contributes to the development and reorganizat...
The article discusses the theoretical and methodological issues of professional training, pedagogic...
This paper presents an analysis of the possibilities and advantages of augmented reality technologie...
In the article the possibilities of creation of networks which provide teachers’ professional develo...
The active acquisition of foreign language communication in different types of activities in accorda...
The article looks into the matter of developing methodical recommendations for the structure and con...
У фокусі дослідження – концептосфера ‘lawyer’, як складова загальної концептосфери ‘юриспруденція’ в...
We conducted an analysis of the learning aids used in the study of general technical disciplines. Th...
The article deals with the problem of training future computer science teachers for the use of cloud...
Distribution of the roots of dispersion equation of the parametric Cherenkov radiation (PCR) excited...
Personalized learning is an up-to-date trend of formal and informal education development. Its main ...