Impact de la fertilisation phosphatée et de la mycorhization arbusculaire sur le développement de porte-greffes de noyer fruitier micropropagés

  • Mortier, Emma
Publication date
December 2021


This phD is part of the CASDAR MycoAgra project. The aim of the PhD is to understand mycorrhiza mechanisms in an agroforestry integrated culture system between walnut tree and corn culture; and to found out mycorrhiza impact on the global production. To identify which cultivation practices permit the best mycorrhiza fungi development, our study is organized in two axes of work: - We first want to know the impact of interculture on the common mycorrhizal network. - And the impact of nitrogen content in the soil on the common mycorrhizal network To the end, we expect to purpose to farmers crop itineraries that used as less as we can synthetic fertilizers, through alternative system.Ce sujet qui s'insère dans le projet CASDAR MycoAgra, s'inscr...

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