Titan, Saturn's main satellite, is still a mysterious object, despite the arrival of Cassini/Huygens. Yet we can rely on Adaptive Optics: my work presented herein is based on the 1998-2005 infrared data acquired with imagery (PUEO/CFHT, NACO/VLT), spectroscopy (NACO) or Integral Field Spectrometry (OASIS/WHT). In the 0. 8-2. 0µm spectral range, both the atmosphere and the surface of Titan can be probed down to, in or out of five methane windows. Voyager revealed the asymmetry splitting Titan's atmosphere in two, North and South, because of a local enhancement of aerosols in the winter hemisphere. We could monitor the inversion of this asymmetry, when Titan entered into Southern summer : since 2002, the Northern limb is the brightest. We als...