In December 2019, a multidisciplinary team from the ERC HornEast project, led by Julien Loiseau, carried out an archaeological excavation in Kwiḥa (South Eastern Tigray, Ethiopia). The team was composed of Julien Loiseau (historian, Aix-Marseille University, director of the ERC HornEast project), Simon Dorso (archaeologist, Lyon-2 University, CIHAM), Elise Mercier (archaeologist, Poitiers University, HERMA), Hiluf Berhe, professor of archeology at Mekelle University, David Ollivier (topographer and archaeologist , CNRS, LA3M), Bertrand Hirsch (historian, University Paris-1 Panthéon Sorbonne), Amélie Chekroun (historian, CNRS, IREMAM), Jean-François Breton (archaeologist, CNRS, ArScAn), Deresse Ayenachew (historian, Debre Berhan University, ...