V doktorski disertaciji je bila izvedena analiza pomembnosti diverzifikacije nekmetijskih dejavnosti na kmetijah v Sloveniji – dinamike prehodov potencialnih kmetijskih gospodarstev v turistične kmetije, in sicer s pomočjo razvitega matematičnega simulacijskega modela. Izvedeni sta bili validacija in verifikacija modela. Opredeljene so bile ključne spremenljivke modela, tj. diverzificirane kmetije, izbris iz registra in prehodi. Ob spremembi vrednosti nabora ključnih parametrov je bilo izvedenih več simulacijskih tekov in obravnavanih več različnih scenarijev razvoja. Rezultati simulacije potrjujejo, da lahko s pomočjo modela sistemske dinamike ocenimo vplive ključnih spremenljivk na proces prehoda kmetijskih gospodarstev v turistične kmeti...
Tourism as a phenomenon of social life is a derivative of social development. Its appearance is attr...
This diploma thesis focuses on the application of system thinking and its methods to the issues of d...
Background and Purpose: The complexity of the tourism system, as well as modelling in a frame of sys...
Simulacijski model izletniške kmetije omogoča analizo uspešnosti gospodarjenja kmetije z izletniškim...
Agritourism as a type of niche tourism is a complex and softly defined phaenomenon. The demands for ...
Background: Besides visiting the main tourist attractions in Slovenia, many tourists want to spend t...
The aim of this paper was to propose a system model that will lead to an efficient participation of ...
This paper deals with the system dynamics model for decision-making, related to strategic decisions ...
The aim of this paper was to propose a system model that will lead to an efficient participation of...
Tema rada je modeliranje turističkog razvoja u funkciji planiranja. U tu svrhu, rad započinje teorij...
The main aim of the dissertation was an identification of the role of a company on the horizontal an...
Cilj raziskave je bil oceniti ekonomiko turistične dejavnosti kot dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji. ...
System dynamics (SD) is a method that has the ability to capture the dynamic behavior of a complex ...
Tourism is a type of inter-organisational system with global and local properties. Problems are defi...
Tema predstavljena v magistrskem delu podiplomskega študija je obravnava razvoja modelov sistemske d...
Tourism as a phenomenon of social life is a derivative of social development. Its appearance is attr...
This diploma thesis focuses on the application of system thinking and its methods to the issues of d...
Background and Purpose: The complexity of the tourism system, as well as modelling in a frame of sys...
Simulacijski model izletniške kmetije omogoča analizo uspešnosti gospodarjenja kmetije z izletniškim...
Agritourism as a type of niche tourism is a complex and softly defined phaenomenon. The demands for ...
Background: Besides visiting the main tourist attractions in Slovenia, many tourists want to spend t...
The aim of this paper was to propose a system model that will lead to an efficient participation of ...
This paper deals with the system dynamics model for decision-making, related to strategic decisions ...
The aim of this paper was to propose a system model that will lead to an efficient participation of...
Tema rada je modeliranje turističkog razvoja u funkciji planiranja. U tu svrhu, rad započinje teorij...
The main aim of the dissertation was an identification of the role of a company on the horizontal an...
Cilj raziskave je bil oceniti ekonomiko turistične dejavnosti kot dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji. ...
System dynamics (SD) is a method that has the ability to capture the dynamic behavior of a complex ...
Tourism is a type of inter-organisational system with global and local properties. Problems are defi...
Tema predstavljena v magistrskem delu podiplomskega študija je obravnava razvoja modelov sistemske d...
Tourism as a phenomenon of social life is a derivative of social development. Its appearance is attr...
This diploma thesis focuses on the application of system thinking and its methods to the issues of d...
Background and Purpose: The complexity of the tourism system, as well as modelling in a frame of sys...