Rb-Sr age of an impact event recorded in Yamato-791088 H chondrite

  • Hirokazu Fujimaki
  • Ken-ichi Ishikawa
  • Hideyasu Kojima
  • Keizo Yanai
  • Ken-ichiro Aoki
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Publication date
May 1993
Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University/College of General Education, Tohoku University/National Institute of Polar Research/National Institute of Polar Research/Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University


The age of the impact event is recorded in Yamato(Y)-791088,a high-iron type chondrite and has been dated using the Rb-Sr chronometer. A brief mineralogical characterization was made of the chondrite as well. The obtained impact age is 1024±47Ma. When Y-791088 recorded the impact event, it might not have been on the surface of the parent body, but rather deep. Therefore, some sulfide was not vaporized and Rb was not lost during the impact. Metal phases were once homogenized and plessite, consisting of two phases, is really scarce. After the impact, the parental body could not have lasted long before separating into pieces

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