The micron-size constituents of fine-grained matrices and chondrule rims in ten unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, Semarkona (LL3), Krymka (L3), Sharps (H3), Chainpur (LL3), Tieschitz (H3), Mezo-Madaras (L3), ALH-764 (LL3), ALH-77214 (L3), ALH-77216 (L3), Yamato-790448 (LL3), have been investigated in detail. Special emphasis is put on the mode of occurrence and mineral chemistry of micron-sized matrix olivine in six primitive type-3 ordinary chondrites having lower petrologic subtypes (Krymka, Chainpur, Sharps, Tieschitz, ALH-764 and Yamato-790448). Textural evidences concerning occurrence of matrix ferrous olivine observed in matrices of chondrite samples studied here seem to indicate that some of matrix intermediate to Fe-rich olivine w...