The Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) . Grant Number: 910149/96–98; National Science Foundation . Grant Number: Int‐9604599 (to L.C.L.S., B.L.F.) IBN‐0138113; National Institutes of Health . Grant Number: F32HD067011.Cornell University. Department of Psychology. Behavioral and Evolutionary Neuroscience Group. Ithaca, NY , USA.Cornell University. Department of Psychology. Behavioral and Evolutionary Neuroscience Group. Ithaca, NY , USA.Cornell University. Department of Psychology. Behavioral and Evolutionary Neuroscience Group. Ithaca, NY , USA.Cornell University. Department of Psychology. Behavioral and Evolutionary Neuroscience Group. Ithaca, NY , USA.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em S...