First aired in 2001, "Alias" is a spy drama with a central action heroine, a complex narrative of moral twists, turns, lies and double-crosses, and an imaginative array of gadgets, gizmos and glamorous costumes. It has become a leading cult television series with a loyal fan following. In the wake of 9/11, "Alias'" themes of doubles and duplicity have been perfectly placed to comment on global relations and the personal paranoias of post 9/11 citizens. But as much as "Alias" reflects contemporary global politics, at its core are themes of family and relationships. The series is ending with a bang in 2006 and "Investigating "Alias"" is the first book to give a full and fascinating examination of the series in its entirety, with a complete ep...
This paper suggests that J. J. Abrams’ serial universe has been shaped by the management of truth an...
International audienceLockdown has given us an occasion to discover new television series and to rev...
International audienceThis article will evaluate the possible uses of fiction-specifically TV series...
First aired in 2001, "Alias" is a spy drama with a central action heroine, a complex narrative of mo...
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-62)Using the method of qualitative content analysis, ...
The author analyzes various elements of the promotional campaigns for two recent female-driven actio...
Book synopsis: When "24" exploded onto TV screens in 2001, "Time" magazine called it one of the 'Bes...
Book synopsis: This is what we know, this is the truth: CSI is a global television phenomenon. It be...
Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Comparative Media Studies, 2007.Inclu...
My thesis aims to explore dual consciousness and its connection to female sexuality in Margaret Atwo...
Alias Grace, a novel by Margaret Atwood demonstrates the most sensational murder case of the mid nin...
This book explores the ways in which television has engaged directly and indirectly with the new rea...
Since the mid 1990s danger, risk and conspiratorial fears have appeared to characterise the safety-c...
This article analyzes the impact of the built environment on the narrative development of two contem...
This book examines the role of emotions in contemporary TV series. Over the past 20 years, TV fictio...
This paper suggests that J. J. Abrams’ serial universe has been shaped by the management of truth an...
International audienceLockdown has given us an occasion to discover new television series and to rev...
International audienceThis article will evaluate the possible uses of fiction-specifically TV series...
First aired in 2001, "Alias" is a spy drama with a central action heroine, a complex narrative of mo...
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-62)Using the method of qualitative content analysis, ...
The author analyzes various elements of the promotional campaigns for two recent female-driven actio...
Book synopsis: When "24" exploded onto TV screens in 2001, "Time" magazine called it one of the 'Bes...
Book synopsis: This is what we know, this is the truth: CSI is a global television phenomenon. It be...
Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Comparative Media Studies, 2007.Inclu...
My thesis aims to explore dual consciousness and its connection to female sexuality in Margaret Atwo...
Alias Grace, a novel by Margaret Atwood demonstrates the most sensational murder case of the mid nin...
This book explores the ways in which television has engaged directly and indirectly with the new rea...
Since the mid 1990s danger, risk and conspiratorial fears have appeared to characterise the safety-c...
This article analyzes the impact of the built environment on the narrative development of two contem...
This book examines the role of emotions in contemporary TV series. Over the past 20 years, TV fictio...
This paper suggests that J. J. Abrams’ serial universe has been shaped by the management of truth an...
International audienceLockdown has given us an occasion to discover new television series and to rev...
International audienceThis article will evaluate the possible uses of fiction-specifically TV series...