The 2006-2011 television series Friday Night Lights began with a storyline that featured Jason Street, an elite high school quarterback, becoming disabled. Usually, men with disability offer a straightforward media representation of a loss of masculinity and narratives consider personal triumphs “in spite of” this loss. For Garland Thomson (2007) conventional narrative genres conform to an image of bodily stability and perpetuate cultural fantasies of loss and relentless cure seeking rather than present stories “possible because of rather than in spite of disability”. She argues that presenting disability within the context of community and sexuality in particular can offer a different narrative of masculinity and structure a positive story...
This dissertation is a discourse analysis of three television series, Speechless, Atypical, and Brea...
Abstract of my full article published on disability and masculinity in the Global South
The purpose of this project is to explore the representation of disability in various media formats....
Youth with disabilities negotiate social interaction with peers with several notable disadvantages i...
Disability has been an area often overlooked in popular cultural media especially as a main focus of...
This article examines the extent and significance of the under-representation of the disabled commun...
Most media texts currently being developed with disabled characters are crafted by individuals who a...
This study explores how exposure to disability portrayal on television is related to beliefs about i...
This study examines representations of women with disabilities in sketch comedy. Previous scholarshi...
Patriarchal societies in the West have assumed that to be human is to be a man, to be a man is to be...
Major Research Paper (Master's), Critical Disability Studies, School of Health Policy and Management...
This article proposes the value of investigating audience interpretations as viewing performances to...
Crime is one of the most persistent genres in recent television history. Disability is a narrative d...
The focus of this research is to explore the portrayal of the disability image in visual media. Many...
The essential Australian is male, working-class, sardonic, laconic, loyal to his mates, unimpressed ...
This dissertation is a discourse analysis of three television series, Speechless, Atypical, and Brea...
Abstract of my full article published on disability and masculinity in the Global South
The purpose of this project is to explore the representation of disability in various media formats....
Youth with disabilities negotiate social interaction with peers with several notable disadvantages i...
Disability has been an area often overlooked in popular cultural media especially as a main focus of...
This article examines the extent and significance of the under-representation of the disabled commun...
Most media texts currently being developed with disabled characters are crafted by individuals who a...
This study explores how exposure to disability portrayal on television is related to beliefs about i...
This study examines representations of women with disabilities in sketch comedy. Previous scholarshi...
Patriarchal societies in the West have assumed that to be human is to be a man, to be a man is to be...
Major Research Paper (Master's), Critical Disability Studies, School of Health Policy and Management...
This article proposes the value of investigating audience interpretations as viewing performances to...
Crime is one of the most persistent genres in recent television history. Disability is a narrative d...
The focus of this research is to explore the portrayal of the disability image in visual media. Many...
The essential Australian is male, working-class, sardonic, laconic, loyal to his mates, unimpressed ...
This dissertation is a discourse analysis of three television series, Speechless, Atypical, and Brea...
Abstract of my full article published on disability and masculinity in the Global South
The purpose of this project is to explore the representation of disability in various media formats....