Mickey Mouse, Betty Boop, Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny, Felix the Cat, and other beloved cartoon characters have entertained media audiences for almost a century, outliving the human stars who were once their contemporaries in studio-era Hollywood. In Animated Personalities, David McGowan asserts that iconic American theatrical short cartoon characters should be legitimately regarded as stars, equal to their live-action counterparts, not only because they have enjoyed long careers, but also because their star personas have been created and marketed in ways also used for cinematic celebrities. Drawing on detailed archival research, McGowan analyzes how Hollywood studios constructed and manipulated the star personas of the animated characters t...
Throughout its history, animation has been fundamentally shaped by its application to promotion and ...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 327-377) and index.Introduction : "It's all me" -- "The pet ...
After Aladdin, the star (and the star persona) is an essential ingredient in making animated films. ...
The thesis reads American theatrical short film animation (produced from 1911 to 1972) through the p...
“Walt Disney and his Influence in the American Society ” is a complex topic that is explained in dif...
From Felix the Cat to Judy Hopps, the animation industry is full of anthropomorphic animal character...
This article considers a recent trend for Disney to produce modern texts that evoke Mickey Mouse's p...
The thesis begins with the observation that all popular feature length animation films released sinc...
The intellectual property epidemic of the current era is the call to give increased legal protection...
The ontological existence of animated-film characters depends on the whim and inspiration of their c...
This research assesses the challenges and outcomes of implementing the influencer storytelling forma...
As the leading distributor of animated cartoons in the 1920s, Margaret J. Winkler played a pivotal r...
2D cartoons have always been a medium that has amazed its viewers with characterful visual simplicit...
Ever since Disney Princesses were established as a marketing brand in 2000, they have become a famou...
Animation has risen from a commercially and aesthetically marginalized medium to one that is gaining...
Throughout its history, animation has been fundamentally shaped by its application to promotion and ...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 327-377) and index.Introduction : "It's all me" -- "The pet ...
After Aladdin, the star (and the star persona) is an essential ingredient in making animated films. ...
The thesis reads American theatrical short film animation (produced from 1911 to 1972) through the p...
“Walt Disney and his Influence in the American Society ” is a complex topic that is explained in dif...
From Felix the Cat to Judy Hopps, the animation industry is full of anthropomorphic animal character...
This article considers a recent trend for Disney to produce modern texts that evoke Mickey Mouse's p...
The thesis begins with the observation that all popular feature length animation films released sinc...
The intellectual property epidemic of the current era is the call to give increased legal protection...
The ontological existence of animated-film characters depends on the whim and inspiration of their c...
This research assesses the challenges and outcomes of implementing the influencer storytelling forma...
As the leading distributor of animated cartoons in the 1920s, Margaret J. Winkler played a pivotal r...
2D cartoons have always been a medium that has amazed its viewers with characterful visual simplicit...
Ever since Disney Princesses were established as a marketing brand in 2000, they have become a famou...
Animation has risen from a commercially and aesthetically marginalized medium to one that is gaining...
Throughout its history, animation has been fundamentally shaped by its application to promotion and ...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 327-377) and index.Introduction : "It's all me" -- "The pet ...
After Aladdin, the star (and the star persona) is an essential ingredient in making animated films. ...