Bu çalışma kapsamında termolüminesans (TL) ışımayı açıklayan bazı temel modeller yeniden gözden geçirilmiş ve nümerik olarak çözümlenmiştir. Bu amaçla her bir model için yük taşıyıcı trafiğini ifade eden diferansiyel denklem sistemleri türetilmiştir. Bu denklem sistemlerini sayısal olarak çözümleyebilmek için Mathematica 8.0 bilgisayar programı üzerinde koşturulabilen kodlar yazılmıştır. Belirli tuzak parametre değerleri başlangıç koşulu olarak bilgisayar programına verilmiş ve ışıldama eğrileri elde edilmiştir. Termolüminesans tuzak parametrelerinin hesaplanmasında kullanılan izotermal bozunum (ID) yöntemi bir bilgisayar algoritması haline dönüştürülmüş ve her bir modele uygulanmıştır. Termolüminesans modeller ve izotermal bozunum yöntemi ...
AbstractThermoluminescence (TL) glow curves are widely used in dosimetric studies. Many commercial a...
Darbā apskatītas termostimulētās un frakcionētās termoizspīdināšanas luminiscences metodes un to pie...
In this study, the thermoluminesce (TL) properties of natural onyx were determined after ß-irradiati...
The usual, simple model for the analysis of thermoluminescence (TL) curves deals with just one trapp...
Termolüminesans dozimetreler (TLDs) radyasyon dozlarının ölçülmesinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır...
The models employed so far for deconvolving thermoluminescent glow curves are either derived by negl...
Present paper reports the methods of evaluating the kinetic parameters like trap depth, frequency fa...
MCP-100, MYS-N, MTS-7, MTS-100, and MCP-N standard thermoluminescence detector materials are anneale...
The isothermal decay method is useful for determining the trap activation energy in thermoluminescen...
A new glow curve fitting method using the Gauss-Lorentz asymmetric function is suggested. By calcula...
583-589Five sets of thermoluminescence (TL) peaks with activation energy E = 0.50, 0.65, 0.75, 1.0...
2021 Pamela J. Mackintosh Undergraduate Research Awards, Team AwardWhen appropriately analyzed, ther...
Abstract — In the presence of spatial correlation between traps and recombination centres, some ther...
A model is described for the calculation of multipeak glow curves. A set of (km+jm+2) equations are ...
In the literature many attempts have been made to calculate the related phenomena of thermoluminesce...
AbstractThermoluminescence (TL) glow curves are widely used in dosimetric studies. Many commercial a...
Darbā apskatītas termostimulētās un frakcionētās termoizspīdināšanas luminiscences metodes un to pie...
In this study, the thermoluminesce (TL) properties of natural onyx were determined after ß-irradiati...
The usual, simple model for the analysis of thermoluminescence (TL) curves deals with just one trapp...
Termolüminesans dozimetreler (TLDs) radyasyon dozlarının ölçülmesinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır...
The models employed so far for deconvolving thermoluminescent glow curves are either derived by negl...
Present paper reports the methods of evaluating the kinetic parameters like trap depth, frequency fa...
MCP-100, MYS-N, MTS-7, MTS-100, and MCP-N standard thermoluminescence detector materials are anneale...
The isothermal decay method is useful for determining the trap activation energy in thermoluminescen...
A new glow curve fitting method using the Gauss-Lorentz asymmetric function is suggested. By calcula...
583-589Five sets of thermoluminescence (TL) peaks with activation energy E = 0.50, 0.65, 0.75, 1.0...
2021 Pamela J. Mackintosh Undergraduate Research Awards, Team AwardWhen appropriately analyzed, ther...
Abstract — In the presence of spatial correlation between traps and recombination centres, some ther...
A model is described for the calculation of multipeak glow curves. A set of (km+jm+2) equations are ...
In the literature many attempts have been made to calculate the related phenomena of thermoluminesce...
AbstractThermoluminescence (TL) glow curves are widely used in dosimetric studies. Many commercial a...
Darbā apskatītas termostimulētās un frakcionētās termoizspīdināšanas luminiscences metodes un to pie...
In this study, the thermoluminesce (TL) properties of natural onyx were determined after ß-irradiati...